[PlanetCCRMA] Re: initial observations and broken packages

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 5 16:20:02 PST 2002

> Enlightnement doesn't care about switchdesk, at least not E 16.5 
> (the rpm doesn't even have a gdm session entry).  I added one 
> myself, but I guess the default way to start E (after installing 
> from the rpm) is the old startx way.
> It would be easy to make an apt-get rpm package for e-16.5, but 
> there are some dependencies (mostly there on redhat).  Stuff like 
> fnlib, imlib, freetype, etc.  I might have time to help you with 
> that in the next week or two...

Ok, let me know...

> I probably didn't explain myself compeletely, but I think there are 
> several package issues with the kernel-source and alsa driver 
> packages that need to be fixed.  I'll post another message with a 
> summary of my issues (hopefully tonight).

Let me know what needs fixing and I'll try to fix it. Thanks for the
detailed explanation, I now understand what was happening. I tried 
unpacking the alsa-driver-0.9.0-36 and -37 src.rpm's again and both
finish a -Uvh and subsequent -bp. Go figure. 

-- Fernando

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