[PlanetCCRMA] Forcing dependencies with non-RPMed ALSA install

Stu Yarrow stu at outpost.org.uk
Wed Dec 4 01:25:02 PST 2002

On 4/12/02 0:16, "Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano" <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>

> You have a couple of options. The best would be to create alsa rpms for
> the alsa stuff you installed. Another would be to force the install of the
> rpms you want by adding the "--nopeds" flag to rpm (and using rpm manually
> with manually downloaded packages). That is not good form. And you lose
> the automatic dependency tracking of apt, as AFAIK there is no way to
> trick apt into ignoring dependencies (and that is _good_).

Ok, I am new to RedHat (from Debian) and I have never tried rebuilding an
rpm before, except for the kernel stuff, but I will get the .src.rpms and
have a go at that tonight. Is it significantly different from rebuilding the
kernel packages [rpmbuild -ba]? I'm also not sure how to drop the
alsa-project.org tarball into the source rpm. I'll probably come back for
some advice when I can't work it out... :-)

> Any particular reason why you were home-brewing your own alsa install? I
> do have newer versions of alsa almost ready to go. Another option would be
> rebuilding the planet alsa rpms after downloading a cvs version of alsa
> (if what you need is a more up to date alsa). I could help with that, all
> the tools needed are part of the source rpms.

AFAIK, I need at least 0.9.0rc5 for my Realtek ALC650 onboard (crappy, but
lots of channels to play with) to work; I tried it with the current Planet
stock ALSA packages but it wasn't happening. I am using rc6.



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