[PlanetCCRMA] update: snd, snd-guile, pd and friends

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Aug 14 14:44:02 PDT 2002

 * snd up to version 0.6.0
 * snd-guile is now 1.5.6
 * pd has been upgraded to version 0.35
   - defaults to starting in alsa mode
   - added '-oss' option to be able to start in oss mode
   - has support for jack (Guenter Geiger patch)
 * ggee was rebuilt for the new pd
 * gem was rebuilt for the new pd

both gem and ggee are now installed in the pd/extra directory
so it is not necessary to add any '-path' options to the
command line, for example '-lib Gem' will load the gem
library. If you have already installed them an 'apt-get
update' followed by an 'apt-get dist-ugprade' should pull in
all the upgrades (or install and use synaptic!).

The repository now has updated glibc rpms (a RedHat update).
-- Fernando

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