[PhDs] ACTION REQUESTED: Send this letter to the deans at 3 pm PDT today!

Iran Rafael Roman iran at stanford.edu
Tue May 19 09:32:29 PDT 2020

Good morning, all.

You’ve read the letter<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKe6Qm35Ol8Fwk78n06u8rQWJHAwRPX_vL2Hoq-KGbQ/edit?usp=sharing>. Now it’s time to act.

The plan:

Step 1: Forward this email NOW to any & all graduate students you know who you think would be supportive or email/text them this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zELJQGRo6pvHnIFdM7nyeUalxci7BDqgRZLTYoGUH_8/edit?usp=sharing.

Step 2:  Send the email at 3 PM PDT today. (I endorse setting an alarm and/or scheduling the email. If you can’t make 3 PM, send it any time after that.)

  *   This link<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKe6Qm35Ol8Fwk78n06u8rQWJHAwRPX_vL2Hoq-KGbQ/edit?usp=sharing> will take you to the Google doc with the letter. You have the option of either hitting send on a pre-populated / one-click email OR copy-and-pasting. We have a slight preference for copy-and-pasting because the one-click version doesn’t include hyperlinks, but either way works!

Step 3: Check the “Sent” box in the commitment sign-up sheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zELJQGRo6pvHnIFdM7nyeUalxci7BDqgRZLTYoGUH_8/edit?usp=sharing> if you signed up to participate in the campaign.

That’s it--you’re done. Thank you!


Additional information about this campaign:

By now you’ve probably heard of (and maybe even signed) the COVID-19 petition to support graduate students<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhiNYDeCWQrhdS8a_CbqAfXKFhH20AHnUkYA_D0d7-2FytGw/viewform>, which has received over 700 signatures<https://www.stanforddaily.com/2020/05/01/700-grad-students-plead-dont-let-us-fall-through-the-cracks/>!

However, Stanford has yet to comprehensively address our demands. Many of us remain distressed, vulnerable, and even in danger. Stanford has almost entirely ignored<https://www.stanforddaily.com/2020/05/07/grad-life-when-your-employer-is-also-your-landlord/> the now severely exacerbated housing crisis. The administration has largely left the crisis response up to individual departments<https://www.stanforddaily.com/2020/05/14/last-in-its-class-stanford-lags-behind-peer-institutions-in-covid-19-response/>. Many departments have advocated valiantly on our behalf, but responsibility for an equitable, humane response to this crisis lies with Stanford’s administration. Facing more-than-certain austerity measures in the near future, disparity among graduate students will only increase. We need to convince the University to ensure a minimum-level of support across Stanford’s graduate schools and departments.

Stanford Solidarity Network has drafted a letter to the deans, requesting a proactive, University-wide plan to address the demands over which they have authority or considerable influence. This is not another petition - this is a follow-up to our existing one. We intend to inundate the deans’ inboxes on TUESDAY (05.19.20) with our letter.

Do you support full summer funding? Do you support the option of a fully funded, one-year program extension? Do you support the expansion of COVID-19 emergency aid to include living expenses such as food and rent, and one-time, no-questions-asked cash disbursements? Do you support greater support for student parents and their dependents? Do you support clear guidance for international students for issues like visa support, housing, healthcare, and unemployment protection? Do you support these measures being available to all salaried/stipend-earning graduate students?

Please read the letter.<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKe6Qm35Ol8Fwk78n06u8rQWJHAwRPX_vL2Hoq-KGbQ/edit> If you support its cause, join us! And send the deans the letter from your Stanford email account at 3 PM today (05.19.20)!

-Stanford Solidarity Network

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