[neuromusiclab] [PARTICIPANTS NEEDED] Music Perception and EEG Pilot

Marise van Zyl marise at stanford.edu
Thu Sep 15 16:02:47 PDT 2022

Hey neurolab!

Would you be willing to help me out with some research piloting that I'm currently working on?

I have a perception study using a qualtrics survey that should take about 30 minutes, linked here:

I am also starting piloting for an EEG study next week and need some participants. It should take about 2/2.5 hours with capping and everything else although the actual study portion isn’t that long. Please sign up with your available times below and I’ll contact you to arrange a time and day.
Here is a when2meet for the eeg pilot next week (I'll send another one out for later dates)

All the best,

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