PARTY TIME: Pre-Fall quarter blow out!

Gregor Zdunski Hanuschak
Wed, 17 Sep 2003 10:52:48 -0700

This Saturday, free food, free alcohol, live music, and Gubernatorial
candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger!  No joke!

YES, there will be free food!
YES, there will be free alcohol!
YES, there will be live music!  DJ Eric Pop of KZSU 90.1 FM Stanford radio 
will be spinning dance music into the wee hours.  We MAY also get a live 
band - we'll keep you posted :)
Ok, the part about Arnold Schwarzenegger WAS a joke (he won't be there), 
but we got your attention didn't we?  :p

Come to EV for the party of the century!*
* = according to the latest poll of the residents of EV 32D

Here's the details...

Who: Alex "The Dance Machine" Ene and Gregor "Superfly" Hanuschak
(You may not know us, but it doesn't matter)
Where: Escondido Village, Angell Court, 32Delta (32D)
When: This Saturday, September 20 at 9 PM

Come meet some of your fellow grad and law students before classes even
begin!  The house will provide most necessary party essentials, however you
are encouraged to bring your favorite choice of six-packs or anything you
feel could help make the atmosphere even more social.  See you there!

- Alex and Gregor