the price is right!

jeffrey traer bernstein jeffyb@ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed, 01 Oct 2003 20:40:02 -0400

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<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">At great risk of public
embarrassment and against my better judgement I wish to notify you all
of my impending appearance in the studio audience of the acclaimed CBS
game show "The Price is Right" featuring Bob Barker.<br>
If you watch tomorrow at 11:00 am you will see me seated next to
contestant's row in the front row on your left. I will be the one in
the t-shirt with "$1 BOB" emblazoned on it in sparkles being
consistently denied high fives from the excited contestants as they
"come on down". <br>
Please tune in. I drove from San Francisco to LA to be there and got in
line from 11:00 pm the day before for an afternoon taping. It is all
for naught if I cannot be ridiculed for my appearance on international
televison by my friends.<br>
once again:<br>
The Price is Right<br>
October 2 2003<br>
11:00 am<br>
ps if I forgot anyone who would get a kick out of this be sure to
forward it.<br>
pps I'm back in montreal now.<br>