Gregor needs your help!

Gregor Hanuschak
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 03:00:24 -0800 (PST)

Dear friends,

Please do a fun survey for me.  It's a memory game.  You hear clips of my
songs and see pictures (some of you may even see pictures of yourselves)
You then take a short test and try to remember which pictures go with
which songs - it seriously is kinda fun and it only takes 10 minutes.

The starting link is:

You should be able to hear music when you go here... If you can't then
your computer really sucks and you can't do my survey (in which case I
hate you - go buy a new computer already you stupid idiot and throw away
your apple IIe)

IMPORTANT:  Try to do the survey today or tomorrow or I probably won't be
able to use your results (project due Friday).  If you have friends, and
these friends actually like you, try to get them to take it too - I
really am in a crunch to get people to do this (no bullshit)

ALSO IMPORTANT: Don't take notes or anything when you do this.  It's
anonymous so I won't know how you did and I definitely don't expect you to
get a 100% anyway.

Thanks so much guys.

Party on,

PS - It's for a psycho-acoustics class, I'll explain what it means later.