Fwd: One Hour Photo @ FLiCKS (Cubberley Auditorium)

David Lowenfels dfl@alum.mit.edu
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 20:33:21 -0800

Hey, anyone wanna come see the 10pm show with me?

>From: "Sunday Flicks" <flicks@sse.stanford.edu>
>To: <flicks@lists.Stanford.EDU>
>Subject: One Hour Photo @ FLiCKS (Cubberley Auditorium)
>Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 15:45:51 -0800
>X-Priority: 3
>Sender: owner-flicks@lists.Stanford.EDU
>X-Perlmx-Spam: Gauge=, Probability=0%, Report="ADDR_IN_WHITELIST"
>This President's Day (Monday Feb. 17th)  FLiCKS is proud to present:
>ONE HOUR PHOTO (for 2 hours)
>starring Robin Williams as one freaky stalker.
>Come early as seating is limited.
>Showtimes: 7pm and 10pm
>tickets $5
>Feel free to bring any incriminating photos of you and/or your 
>friends. The craziest picture wins a prize!
>See you Monday,
>Alex Gurevich
>Sunday Flicks Marketing Manager
>(650) 723-5748

_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\    Science is but a perversion of itself unless
   David Lowenfels       it has as its ultimate goal the betterment
  Vibrational Engineer   of humanity. -- Nikola Tesla
^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^            http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~dfl/