pd externs

David Lowenfels dfl@alum.mit.edu
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 16:00:19 -0700

Yo, top-secret beta versions of my PD externs:
For OS X and linux. (Strange: email me and I'll send you a .sit)
Please do not distribute.

squelch~ is my latest masterpiece. A super-fatty "analog" multimode filter.
contour~ is a one-pole highpass/lowpass filter object
crusher~ is a lo-fi downsample/quantize thingy
rpm~ is the base oscillator for my virtual analog synth
moog*~ isn't compiled for linux yet.
(coming soon, tubeamp~ distortion :)

You need a line like this in your ~/.pdrc file:
-path /usr/ccrma/courses/250a/pd/externs:/user/d/dfl/pd/externs:blah_blah_path

The extern files should be somewhere in this path.

My demo synth is in ~/pd/dev/combsynth/demosynth.pd
It requires the rpm~ extern (and optionally contour~).


_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\    Science is but a perversion of itself unless
   David Lowenfels       it has as its ultimate goal the betterment
  Vibrational Engineer   of humanity. -- Nikola Tesla
^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^            http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~dfl/