shameless self-promotion

k i r s t i n kirstinc@Stanford.EDU
Sat, 2 Nov 2002 10:16:05 -0800 (PST)

concert is a little ways away, but if you let me know in the next week or
so if you'd like to hear pretty music in memchu, i can get $3 (maybe $2)
tickets for you.  fun fun.  come see me in a dress.


Stanford Chamber Chorale
Past Life Melodies

The program will include repertoire from Gregorian Chant to the
twenty-first century.  Featured will be works by Byrd, Bruckner,
Whitacre, Chihara, Hamilton, and a work that features diphonic
(overtone) singing.

8:00 p.m.
Friday, 15 November 2002
Stanford Memorial Church

Admission: $10 general/$5 student
Tickets available at Stanford Ticket Office (650-725-2686) or at the door