[LAC-19] We have a go!

Romain Michon rmichon at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Aug 27 04:43:21 PDT 2018

Hi Bruno,

> I wanted to bring in another idea to the table -- since SCLOrk
> <https://www.scu.edu/cas/music/ensembles/sclork/> (the Santa Clara Laptop
> Orchestra) is 100% Linux computers, I would love to make the ensemble
> available to LAC composers if there is interest.
> One way I could see this happening is: we could mention in the call for
> compositions that SCLOrk is available and we will consider new (or old)
> laptop orchestra compositions to be performed by SCLOrk during the
> conference. If people do submit pieces, and they get accepted by the music
> reviewers (and of course, are technically feasible within the time
> available), then SCLOrk could perform up to 2 or 3 pieces by LAC composers
> in one of the concerts.
> SCLOrk (as an SCU class) conveniently meets in the Winter (January-March),
> so if pieces are accepted for LAC, I would incorporate them into our
> regular rehearsal schedule in the 10 weeks preceding LAC.

This is such a brilliant idea, thanks! I just added the corresponding
information to the CfP on the conference website:

Let me know what you think!


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