[Grads] Year end close reminder

Nette Worthey networth at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Aug 7 12:43:31 PDT 2023


Hope you're well and staying cool this week. Quick and friendly reminder 
that our fiscal year closes at the end of August. If you have any 
outstanding travel or pcard transactions, my final day to get these 
approved and fully cleared is August 15, so please get any receipts or 
reimbursement requests in before Friday, or they may not get processed. 
As always, it's is *very* helpful if you submit things via my form 
which helps me keep better track of you all; asking you to kindly 
remember that there are *many* more of you then there are of me :)

If you are traveling over the last few weeks of August or into 
September, we can adjust the deadlines to put them in FY24 - but 
*please* let me know now if this is the case.

Many thanks for your help!


I am on campus Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, and may be available in person on Friday by special arrangement
Nette Worthey
CCRMA Administrator
660 Lomita Ct.
Stanford, CA 94305
650.723.4971 x320
415.425.6153 mobile
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