[Grads] Travel policy reminder

Nette Worthey networth at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Jun 10 12:04:03 PDT 2022

Hi all,

Now that we are able to move again, this is a friendly reminder that if you are traveling on Stanford/CCRMA business and are expecting to either use the univesity travel card, or be reimbursed those expenses you incurred, you must arrange all travel, lodging, and car rentals through approved booking channels <https://fingate.stanford.edu/business-travel-expenses/stanford-travel-program>. In the event you are traveling to an area that is not available through the resources Stanford offers due to remoteness, size, etc., please document your search on approved booking sites via screen shots, and provide them to me when you submit receipts for reimbursement. As always, *please* ask me or Velda any questions you have prior to making the purchase - this will save all of us time and headaches. At this time, we are able to remiburse Airbnb, so that is still an option for you. Also: Stanford will never cover additional insurance on car rentals.

You need to submit your receipts and business purpose/explanation of expense to me in ample time to process your reimbursements or travel card charges within 60 days of the charge, uniless you’re booking far in advance for various reasons. The same backup documentation and explanations are needed whether you use the travel card or purchase your own and submit expenses for reimbursement. This documentation should include receipts, buisiness purpose/explanation, and PDF of the program/proceedings showing you listed as presenter/performer, or a link to such so I can download and attach it to the expense report.

I no longer need physical receipts - scans are just fine, however PLEASE do not put all various receipts into one PDF, as I need to attach the specific receipt to the particular expense, and carving up PDFs or images is no fun and no one has time to deal with that :)

STUDENTS: We are no longer expressly required to submit the expense certification form <https://drive.google.com/file/d/13_L0srSiocB3xJnN_P-2YpwxahmOK0T5/view>, however since I *do* still need your adviser’s approval, and that form asks you to provide much of the information I need to get your reimbursement or expense approved, let’s go ahead and keep using it, or some variation with the same info in an email.

Should you be so inclined, here is the section on Business and Travel Expenses <https://adminguide.stanford.edu/chapter-5/subchapter-4/policy-5-4-2> in the Administrative Guide that lays all of this out in glorious adminisitrivial detail. And here is the Business and Travel Expense Policies <https://fingate.stanford.edu/business-travel-expenses/business-and-travel-expense-policies#anchor-10621> on the Financial Activies Gateway. I will always reference these pages if I have questions when processing your expense requests.

Thanks for your attention! And as always, ask before you act - that will make things much easier.


I am on campus on Monday and Thursday, and working from home Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. I may be able to meet in person on Tuesday or Friday, by special arrangement.
Nette Worthey
CCRMA Administrator
Dept. of Music, Stanford
660 Lomita Dr.
Stanford CA 94305
networth at ccrma.stanford.edu
415.425.6153 (mobile)
650.723.4971 x320
650.723.8468 fax

pronouns: she/her

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