[Grads] Graduation celebration

Nette Worthey networth at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jun 2 16:18:41 PDT 2021


I am very pleased to tell you that my request to have a small gathering of CCRMA students and faculty/staff at the Knoll has been approved!

What this means: We are cleared to gather at CCRMA, outdoors only, for a few hours on Saturday June 12. Yay!
What can we do: Show up in the backyard of CCRMA and hang out for a few hours! I’ll see about having some safe games to enjoy. Please be sure to complete your health check on that day.
What can’t we do: Hang out indoors. No food or drinks are allowed, unless we are all seated and remain so (meaning: no mingling while drinking or snacking), so we won’t be having treats. We must be masked and keep distanced, regardless of vaccination status. Unfortunately, we cannot welcome guests*

I hope to be able to see many of you in person!

Saturday, June 12, 2-4PM
CCRMA backyard

*Technically speaking, Stanford affiliates who are cleared to be on campus and have completed their health check that day would be allowed to join; however since some of our spouses/family/friends fall into that category, and some of them do not I propose we keep it to only CCRMA faculty, staff, and students. If you have strong feelings about this one way or another, please let me know. Details on event requirements can be viewed here: https://healthalerts.stanford.edu/covid-19/prevention-care/overview-of-gatherings-and-meetings-at-stanford/ <https://healthalerts.stanford.edu/covid-19/prevention-care/overview-of-gatherings-and-meetings-at-stanford/>

Please note: I do not regularly check or respond to email in the evenings or on weekends. Your understanding and patience are appreciated! I shall respond as soon as I am able, most often the following business day. 
Nette Worthey
CCRMA Administrator
Dept. of Music, Stanford
660 Lomita Dr.
Stanford CA 94305
networth at ccrma.stanford.edu
650.723.4971 x320
650.723.8468 fax

pronouns: she/her

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