;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Rick Taube. ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser Gnu Public License. The text of ;;; this agreement is available at http://www.cliki.net/LLGPL ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; [2015-06-11, AV]: adapting to stand-alone loading in a running 's7' (i.e. snd), start ;;; snd, then load this file (require r7rs.scm) ;; some functions collect from various places (s7.scm, utilities.scm) (define-macro (with-optkeys spec . body) ((lambda (user rawspec body) (define (string->keyword str) (symbol->keyword (string->symbol str))) (define (key-parse-clause info mode args argn user) ;; return a cond clause that parses one keyword. info for each ;; var is: ( ) (let* ((got (car info)) (var (cadr info)) (key (string->keyword (symbol->string var)))) `((eq? (car ,args) ,key ) (if ,got (error "duplicate keyword: ~S" , key)) (set! ,var (if (null? (cdr ,args)) (error "missing value for keyword: ~S" , user) (cadr ,args))) (set! ,got #t) ; mark that we have a value for this param (set! ,mode #t) ; mark that we are now parsing keywords (set! ,argn (+ ,argn 1)) (set! ,args (cddr ,args))))) (define (pos-parse-clause info mode args argn I) ;; return a cond clause that parses one positional. info for ;; each var is: ( ) (let ((got (car info)) (var (cadr info))) `((= ,argn ,I) (set! ,var (car ,args)) (set! ,got #t) ; mark that we have a value for this param (set! ,argn (+ ,argn 1)) (set! ,args (cdr ,args))))) (let* ((otherkeys? (member '&allow-other-keys rawspec)) ;; remove &allow-other-keys from spec (spec (if otherkeys? (reverse (cdr (reverse rawspec))) rawspec)) (data (map (lambda (v) ;; for each optkey variable v return a list ;; ( ) where the ;; variable indicates that has been ;; set, is the optkey variable itself ;; and is its default value (if (pair? v) (cons (gensym (symbol->string (car v))) v) (list (gensym (symbol->string v)) v #f))) spec)) (args (gensym "args")) ; holds arg data as its parsed (argn (gensym "argn")) (SIZE (length data)) (mode (gensym "keyp")) ; true if parsing keywords ;; keyc are cond clauses that parse valid keyword (keyc (map (lambda (d) (key-parse-clause d mode args argn user)) data)) (posc (let lup ((tail data) (I 0)) (if (null? tail) (list) (cons (pos-parse-clause (car tail) mode args argn I) (lup (cdr tail) (+ I 1)))))) (bindings (map cdr data)) ; optkey variable bindings ) (if otherkeys? (set! bindings (cons '(&allow-other-keys (list)) bindings))) `(let* ,bindings ; bind all the optkey variables with default values ;; bind status and parsing vars (let ,(append (map (lambda (i) (list (car i) #f)) data) `((,args ,user) (,argn 0) (,mode #f))) ;; iterate arglist and set opt/key values (do () ((null? ,args) #f) (cond ;; add valid keyword clauses first ,@ keyc ;; a keyword in (car args) is now either added to ;; &allow-other-keys or an error , (if otherkeys? `((keyword? (car ,args)) (if (not (pair? (cdr ,args))) (error "missing value for keyword ~S" (car ,args))) (set! &allow-other-keys (append &allow-other-keys (list (car ,args) (cadr ,args)))) (set! ,mode #t) ; parsing keys now... (set! ,args (cddr ,args)) ) `((keyword? (car ,args)) ;(and ,mode (keyword? (car ,args))) (error "invalid keyword: ~S" (car ,args)) ) ) ;; positional clauses illegal if keywords have happened (,mode (error "positional after keywords: ~S" (car ,args))) ;; too many value specified ((not (< ,argn ,SIZE)) (error "too many args: ~S" , args)) ;; add the valid positional clauses ,@ posc )) ,@ body)) )) (car spec) (cdr spec) body )) ;;; based on define-record-type from snd/r7rs.scm. Works with srfi-17? (define-macro (define-record typename . fields) `(define-record-type ,typename (,(symbol (format #f "make-~A" typename)) ,@fields) ,(symbol (format #f "~A?" typename)) ,@(map (lambda (x) `(,x ,(symbol (format #f "~A-~A" typename x)) ,(symbol (format #f "~A-~A-set!" typename x)))) fields))) ;; grabbed from s7.scm: (define (string->keyword s) (make-keyword s)) (define (logtest a b) (not (zero? (logand a b)))) (define sort sort!) ;; grabbed from utilities.scm: (define (list-index p l) (do ((tail l (cdr tail)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) (f #f)) ((or f (null? tail )) f) (if ( p (car tail)) (set! f i)))) ;; (autoload 'with-optkeys "scm/utilities.scm") ; + quite some others ;; (autoload 'string->keyword "scm/s7.scm") ;; scm/toolboox.scm: (define (decimals value places) (let ((n (expt 10.0 places))) (if (list? value) (map (lambda (v) (/ (round (* v n)) n)) value) (/ (round (* value n)) n)))) ;;; ;;; patterns using structs instead of classes. ;;; requires with-optkeys, arithmetic-test, list-set, tb:rani tb:ranf ;;; ;;; ;;; [AV, 2015-06-11]: various ffi_ random functions are substituded ;;; with schemes standard random (define-constant +constant-data+ (ash 1 0)) ; avoid hair when possible (define-constant +default-period+ (ash 1 1)) ; no period specified (define-constant +constant-weights+ (ash 1 2)) ; avoid random index recalc (define-constant +count-periods+ (ash 1 3)) ; period counts subperiods (define-constant +count-values+ (ash 1 4)) ; period counts values (define-constant +depth-first+ (ash 1 5)) ; pattern moves on eop (define-constant +breadth-first+ (ash 1 6)) ; pattern moves each time (define-constant +nad+ '#:nad) ; "not a datum" marker (define-constant +eop+ '#:eop) ; "end of period" marker (define-constant +eod+ '#:eod) ; "end of data" marker ;;; the period struct holds information for period calculation. count ;;; is number of reads remaining in current period. when count=0 the ;;; period is reinitialized. length is maximum count of the period, ;;; either a number or #t if dynamic length. if stream is not #f a new ;;; length will be read from it each time the period is initialized. ;;; omit is the number of times this stream is skipped in its parent's ;;; pattern, if dynamic. Reps keeps track of the number of ;;; periods. Max is the max number of periods allowed, after which the ;;; pattern always returns +eod+ (define-record period count length stream default omit reps ) (define (pperiod obj ) (list 'period (period-count obj) (period-length obj) (period-stream obj) (period-default obj) (period-omit obj) (period-reps obj) )) (define-record pattern flags data length datum period value state repeat returning counting traversing next mapr cache) (define (ppattern obj ) (list 'pattern #:flags (pattern-flags obj) #:data (pattern-data obj) #:length (pattern-length obj) #:datum (pattern-datum obj) #:period (pperiod (pattern-period obj)) #:value (pattern-value obj) #:state (pattern-state obj) #:repeat (pattern-repeat obj) #:returning (pattern-returning obj) #:cache (pattern-cache obj) )) (define (%alloc-pattern) ;; flags data length datum period value state limit returning counting traversing next mapr cache (make-pattern 0 (list) #f +nad+ #f +nad+ +nad+ most-positive-fixnum #f #:periods #:depth-first #f #f #f)) (define (initialize-pattern obj data for rep flags len dper getr mapr) (pattern-data-set! obj data) (pattern-length-set! obj len) (pattern-mapr-set! obj mapr) (pattern-next-set! obj getr) ;; map data to see if it is constant data or has subpatterns (let ((con? #t)) (map-pattern-data (lambda (x) (if (pattern? x) (set! con? #f))) obj) (if con? (set! flags (logior flags +constant-data+)))) ;; parse counting option (let ((counting (pattern-counting obj))) (case counting ((#:periods ) (set! flags (logior flags +count-periods+))) ((#:values ) (set! flags (logior flags +count-values+))) (else (error "illegal counting value ~S" counting)))) ;; parse traversing option (let ((traversing (pattern-traversing obj))) (case traversing ((#:depth-first ) (set! flags (logior flags +depth-first+))) ((#:breadth-first ) (set! flags (logior flags +breadth-first+))) (else (error "illegal traversing value ~S" traversing)))) ;; if constant data and counting subperiods, switch to counting ;; values instead since its the same thing and we can avoid ;; resetting subperiods if period length is nevertheless expressed ;; dynamically. (cond ((logtest flags +count-values+) (set! flags (logand flags (lognot +count-periods+)))) (else (if (logtest flags +constant-data+) (set! flags (logior (logand flags (lognot +count-periods+)) +count-values+)) (set! flags (logior flags +count-periods+))))) (pattern-repeat-set! obj (if (and (number? rep) (> rep 0)) rep most-positive-fixnum)) (let ((per (or for dper))) ;; period not specified so mark that we are using default period (when (not for) (set! flags (logior flags +default-period+))) (pattern-period-set! obj (if (or (number? per) (eqv? per #t)) ;; count len src dper omit reps (make-period 0 per #f dper 0 0) ;; count len src dper omit reps (make-period 0 #f per dper 0 0)))) (pattern-flags-set! obj flags) (values)) ;;; ;;; Predicates for testing end-of-period and end-of-data. ;;; (define (eop? x) (if (pattern? x) (eop? (pattern-state x)) (eqv? x +eop+))) (define (eod? x) (if (pattern? x) (eod? (pattern-value x)) (eqv? x +eod+))) ;;; ;;; next returns the next value read from the object. this around ;;; method implements the basic behavior of patterns. it first checks ;;; the stream's period length and calls reset-period if at end. if ;;; the next period length is 0 it immediately returns +nad+, which ;;; causes a superior stream (if any) to skip over the current stream ;;; as it increments its pattern. otherwise, the method then ;;; increments the streams pattern until it yields a datum that is not ;;; +nad+ and that call-next-method does not return +nad+ from. if the ;;; stream's data is known to contain only constant values, ie no ;;; substreams, the testing loop is skipped. once call-next-method ;;; returns a value (not +nad+), the period and pattern of the stream ;;; are incremented according to their mode. for period incrementing, ;;; +count-periods+ increments the period count only on +eop+, and ;;; +count-values+ increments the period count every time. for pattern ;;; incrementing, +depth-first+ increments the pattern only on +eop+, ;;; and +breadth-first+ increments the pattern every time. ;;; (define (next obj . args) (let ((num (if (null? args) #f (car args)))) (if num (if (number? num ) (let ((l (list #f))) (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i)) (e l (cdr e))) ((>= i num) (cdr l)) (set-cdr! e (list (next-1 obj))))) (if (pattern? obj) (let ((l (list #f))) (do ((n (next-1 obj) ) (e l (cdr e)) (f #f)) ((or (eqv? n +eod+) f) (cdr l)) (set-cdr! e (list n)) (if (eop? obj) (set! f #t) (set! n (next-1 obj))))) (list obj))) (next-1 obj)))) (define (next-1 obj) (cond ((pattern? obj) (let ((period (pattern-period obj)) (nomore #f)) ;; reset period, return (when (= (period-count period) 0) (when (>= (period-reps period) (pattern-repeat obj)) (pattern-value-set! obj +eod+) (pattern-state-set! obj +eop+) (set! nomore +eod+)) (when (and (not nomore) (= (reset-period obj) 0)) (set! nomore +nad+) (pattern-value-set! obj +nad+) (pattern-state-set! obj +eop+))) (if nomore nomore (let ((flags (pattern-flags obj)) (retfn (pattern-returning obj)) (value #f) (state #f)) ;; increment datum until not +nad+ (if (logtest flags +constant-data+) (begin (pattern-datum-set! obj (next-in-pattern obj)) (set! value (next-1 (pattern-datum obj))) (set! state +eop+) ;;(print (list #:consant!)) ) (do ((dyn? (and (logtest flags +count-periods+) (eqv? (period-length period) #t))) (stop #f)) (stop #f) ;; increment over 0 length substreams (do () ((not (eqv? (pattern-datum obj) +nad+)) #f) (pattern-datum-set! obj (if dyn? (skip-datum? (next-in-pattern obj)) (next-in-pattern obj)))) (set! value (next-1 (pattern-datum obj))) (if (pattern? (pattern-datum obj)) (set! state (pattern-state (pattern-datum obj))) (set! state +eop+)) ;; increment over +nad+ values returned by obj. (if (eqv? value +nad+) (pattern-datum-set! obj value) (set! stop #t ))) ) ;; increment period and pattern as appropriate. (cond ((eqv? state +eop+) ;;(print (list #:state-eop!)) (period-count-set! period (- (period-count period) 1)) (pattern-datum-set! obj +nad+) (set! state #f)) (else (if (logtest flags +breadth-first+) (pattern-datum-set! obj +nad+)) (if (logtest flags +count-values+) (period-count-set! period (- (period-count period) 1))))) ;;(print (list #:period-count (period-count period))) (if (= (period-count period) 0) (begin (set! state +eop+) (period-reps-set! period (+ 1 (period-reps period)))) (set! state state)) (if retfn (set! value ( retfn value)));; thunk (pattern-state-set! obj state) (pattern-value-set! obj value) value)))) ((procedure? obj) (obj ) ) (else obj))) (define (next-in-pattern obj) ( (pattern-next obj) obj) ) (define (map-pattern-data fn obj) ( (pattern-mapr obj) fn obj) ) ;;; ;;; skip-datum? returns +nad+ if the current stream should be skipped ;;; in the pattern. this only happens if we have dynamic periodicity ;;; and the datum had a 0 length period when it was encountered by ;;; reset-period. ;;; (define (skip-datum? obj) (if (not (pattern? obj)) obj (let ((period (pattern-period obj))) (if (> (period-omit period) 0) (begin (period-omit-set! period (- (period-omit period) 1)) +nad+) obj)))) ;;; ;;; reset-period sets and returns the length of the next ;;; period. period length of constant datum is always 1. ;;; (define (reset-period obj) (if (not (pattern? obj)) 1 (let ((period (pattern-period obj)) (dyn #f) (len #f)) ;; if period is supplied as a stream get next length via item (when (period-stream period) (period-length-set! period (next-1 (period-stream period)))) (set! dyn (eqv? (period-length period) #t)) (set! len (if dyn (period-default period) (period-length period))) ;; if we have dynamic period length we adjust next period ;; length for the number of 0 subperiods that this period will ;; encounter. in order for this to work, all substream ;; periods must be reset now, at the same that the super ;; stream is reset. we can only do this if we know that all ;; subperiods are currently at end of period, ie if we are ;; counting by subperiods. if so, then by definition all the ;; substreams must be at end-of-period or we couldn't have ;; gotton here in the first place. after resetting substream ;; period lengths we decrement our current stream's period ;; length by the number of zero periods found. (when (and dyn (logtest (pattern-flags obj) +count-periods+)) (let ((zeros 0)) (map-pattern-data (lambda (x) (when (= (reset-period x) 0) (let ((p (pattern-period x))) (period-omit-set! p (+ (period-omit p) 1))) (set! zeros (+ zeros 1)) )) obj) (when (> zeros 0) (set! len (max (- len zeros) 0))))) (period-count-set! period len) len))) ;;; ;;; pattern implementations. ;;; ;;; cycle continously loops over its data. the data are held in a list ;;; of the form: (data . data). successive elements are popped from ;;; the cdr and when the cdr is null it's reset to the car. ;;; (define (make-cycle data . args) (unless (pair? data) (set! data (list data))) (with-optkeys (args for limit) (let ((obj (%alloc-pattern)) (flags 0) (len (length data))) (initialize-pattern obj (cons data data) for limit flags len len next-in-cycle (lambda (fn obj) (for-each fn (car (pattern-data obj))))) obj))) (define (next-in-cycle obj) (let ((data (pattern-data obj))) (if (null? (cdr data)) (set-cdr! data (car data))) (let ((x (cadr data))) (set-cdr! data (cddr data)) x))) ; (define aaa (make-cycle (list 1 2 3))) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-cycle (list 1 2 3) :for 2)) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-cycle (list 1 2 3) :for (make-cycle (list 3 2 1)))) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-cycle (list 1 2 3) :limit 2)) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-cycle (list (make-cycle (list 'a 'b) ) (make-cycle (list 1 2) )))) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-cycle (list 1 (make-cycle (list 'a 'b))))) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-cycle (list 1 (make-cycle (list 'a 'b) :for (make-cycle (list 3 2 1 0)))))) ; (next aaa #t) ;;; ;;; palindrome ;;; (define-record-type palin (make-palin pos len inc mode elide) palin? (pos palin-pos palin-pos-set!) (len palin-len palin-len-set!) (inc palin-inc palin-inc-set!) (mode palin-mode palin-mode-set!) (elide palin-elide palin-elide-set!)) (define (ppalin obj port) (list 'palin (palin-pos obj) (palin-len obj) (palin-inc obj) (palin-mode obj) (palin-elide obj))) (define (make-palindrome data . args) (unless (pair? data) (set! data (list data))) (with-optkeys (args for limit elide) (let ((obj (%alloc-pattern)) (flags 0) (len (length data))) (initialize-pattern obj data for limit flags len (* len 2) next-in-palindrome (lambda (fn obj) (for-each fn (pattern-data obj)))) ;; pattern cache holds palin structure (pattern-cache-set! obj (make-palin -2 (length data) #f #f elide)) obj))) (define (next-in-palindrome obj) (let* ((cache (pattern-cache obj)) (pos (palin-pos cache))) (cond ((< pos 0 ) ;; starting new up-and-back cycle (let ((m (next-1 (palin-elide cache))) (l (palin-len cache)) (i (= pos -2))) (palin-mode-set! cache m) (palin-inc-set! cache 1) ;; see if we skip repeat of first element (if (or (eqv? m #t) (and (pair? m) (eqv? (car m) #t))) ;; -2 marks very first call, dont skip inital element (if i (set! pos 0) (set! pos 1)) (set! pos 0)) (if (logtest (pattern-flags obj) +default-period+) (let* ((p (pattern-period obj)) (c (* l 2))) (cond ((eqv? m #f) (period-count-set! p c)) ((eqv? m #t) (period-count-set! p (if i (- c 2) (- c 3)))) ((equal? m '(#f #t)) (period-count-set! p (- c 1))) ((equal? m '(#t #f)) (period-count-set! p (if i (- c 1) (- c 2)))) (else (period-count-set! p c))) )) )) ((= pos (palin-len cache)) ;; reversing direction (palin-inc-set! cache -1) (let ((m (palin-mode cache))) ;; test if we skip repeat of last element (if (or (eqv? m #t) (and (pair? m) (pair? (cdr m)) (eqv? (cadr m) #t))) (set! pos (- pos 2)) (set! pos (- pos 1)))) )) (palin-pos-set! cache (+ pos (palin-inc cache))) (list-ref (pattern-data obj) pos))) ; (define aaa (make-palindrome '(a b c d) )) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-palindrome '(a b c d) :elide #t)) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-palindrome '(a b c d) :elide '(#f #t))) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-palindrome '(a b c d) :elide '(#t #f))) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-palindrome '(a b c d) :for 3)) ; (next aaa #t) ;;; ;;; line sticks on the last element. ;;; (define (make-line data . args) (unless (pair? data) (set! data (list data))) (with-optkeys (args for limit) (let ((obj (%alloc-pattern)) (flags 0) (len (length data))) (initialize-pattern obj data for limit flags len len next-in-line (lambda (fn obj) (for-each fn (pattern-data obj)))) obj))) (define (next-in-line obj) (let ((line (pattern-data obj))) (if (null? (cdr line)) (begin (period-count-set! (pattern-period obj) 1) (car line) ) (let ((x (car line))) (pattern-data-set! obj (cdr line)) x)))) ;;; (define aaa (make-line '(a b c))) ;;; (next aaa #t) ;;; (define aaa (make-line (list 'a 'b (make-cycle '(1 2 3 4))))) ;;; (next aaa #t) ;;; (define aaa (make-line (list 'a 'b (make-cycle '(1 2 3 4) :for (lambda () (+ 1 (random 4))))))) ;;; (next aaa #t) ;;; aaa ;;; ;;; heap shuffles its elements each time through ;;; (define (make-heap data . args) ;; copy data because heap destructively modifies it (if (pair? data) (set! data (append data (list))) (set! data (list data))) (with-optkeys (args for limit) (let ((obj (%alloc-pattern)) (flags 0) (len (length data))) (initialize-pattern obj (list data) for limit flags len len next-in-heap (lambda (fn obj) (for-each fn (car (pattern-data obj))))) obj))) (define (next-in-heap obj) (let ((data (pattern-data obj))) (when (null? (cdr data)) (let ((len (pattern-length obj)) (lis (car data))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (j (random len) (random len)) ;; (j (ffi_ranint len ) (ffi_ranint len)) (v #f)) ((= i len) (set-cdr! data lis)) (set! v (list-ref lis i)) (list-set! lis i (list-ref lis j)) (list-set! lis j v)))) (let ((x (cadr data))) (set-cdr! data (cddr data)) x))) ;; (define xxx '(1 2 3 4)) ;; (define aaa (make-heap xxx)) ;; (next aaa #t) ;; xxx ;; (define aaa (make-heap (list 1 2 3 (make-cycle '(a b c)) 4 5))) ;; (next aaa #t) ;;; ;;; rotation ;;; (define (make-rotation data . args) ;; copy user's data (rotation side effects data) (if (pair? data) (set! data (append data (list))) (set! data (list data))) (with-optkeys (args for limit (rotate 0)) (let ((obj (%alloc-pattern)) (flags 0) (len (length data))) ;; cdr of data initialized now so that rotations only happen ;; after the first cycle. ;; (initialize-pattern obj data args flags len dper getr mapr allow) (initialize-pattern obj (cons data data) for limit flags len len next-in-rotation (lambda (fn obj) (for-each fn (car (pattern-data obj))))) ;; pattern cache holds palin structure (pattern-cache-set! obj rotate) obj))) (define (next-in-rotation obj) (define (rotate-items items start step width end) (do ((i start (+ i step))) ((not (< i end)) items) (let ((a (list-ref items i)) (b (list-ref items (+ i width)))) (list-set! items i b) (list-set! items (+ i width) a)))) (let ((data (pattern-data obj))) (when (null? (cdr data)) (let ((l (car data)) (r (next-1 (pattern-cache obj)))) ;; start step width end (set-cdr! data (if (pair? r) (if (pair? (cdr r)) (if (pair? (cddr r)) (if (pair? (cdddr r)) (apply rotate-items l r) (rotate-items l (car r) (cadr r) (caddr r) ;; len - width (- (pattern-length obj) (caddr r)))) (rotate-items l (car r) (cadr r) 1 (- (pattern-length obj) 1))) (rotate-items l (car r) 1 1 (- (pattern-length obj) 1))) (rotate-items l r 1 1 (- (pattern-length obj) 1)))))) (let ((x (car (cdr data)))) (set-cdr! data (cddr data)) x))) ; (define aaa (make-rotation '(a b c d))) ; (next aaa #t) ; (define aaa (make-rotation '(a b c d) :rotations '(1 2))) ; (next aaa #t) ;;; ;;; weighting chooses items using weighted selection. its data are ;;; kept in a list of the form#: ((&rest choices) . last-choice). ;;; ;; (define-record random-item datum index weight min max count id minmax) (define-record-type random-item (make-random-item datum index weight min max count id minmax) random-item? (datum random-item-datum random-item-datum-set!) (index random-item-index random-item-index-set!) (weight random-item-weight random-item-weight-set!) (min random-item-min random-item-min-set!) (max random-item-max random-item-max-set!) (count random-item-count random-item-count-set!) (id random-item-id random-item-id-set!) (minmax random-item-minmax random-item-minmax-set!)) (define (prandom-item obj ) (list 'random-item #:datum (random-item-datum obj) #:index (random-item-index obj) #:weight (random-item-weight obj) #:min (random-item-min obj) #:max (random-item-max obj) #:count (random-item-count obj) #:id (random-item-id obj) #:minmax (random-item-minmax obj))) (define (make-weighting data . args) (let* ((pool (canonicalize-weighting-data data)) (obj (%alloc-pattern)) (len (length pool)) (dper #f) (const-weight #t) (const-datums #t) (num-patterns 0) (flags 0)) (for-each (lambda (item) (let ((min (random-item-min item)) (max (random-item-max item)) (wei (random-item-weight item)) (dat (random-item-datum item))) (when (pattern? dat) (set! const-datums #f) (set! num-patterns (+ num-patterns 1))) ;; check the stream for constant weights. if true, ;; calculate the range now and set a flag so we dont ;; recalulate each period. (unless (number? wei) (set! const-weight #f)))) pool) ;; set the default period length of an all-subpattern weighting to ;; 1 otherwise to the number of elements. since a weighting ;; pattern establishes no particular order itself, setting the ;; period to 1 allows the number of elements in the current period ;; to reflect the sub patterns. (set! dper (if (= num-patterns len) 1 len)) (if const-weight (set! flags (logior flags +constant-weights+))) ;; pool is ((&rest choices) . last-choice) no initial last ;; choice. a first choice for the stream could be implemented as a ;; last with min=1 (with-optkeys (args for limit) (initialize-pattern obj (list pool) for limit flags len dper next-in-weighting (lambda (fn obj) (for-each (lambda (i) ( fn (random-item-datum i))) (car (pattern-data obj)))))) ;; if we have constant weights calculate the range now as fixnums (if const-weight (recalc-weightings obj #t)) obj)) (define (canonicalize-weighting-data data) (define (%make-random-item w) (let ((item #f) (args (list))) (cond ((pair? w) (set! item (car w)) (set! args (cdr w))) (else (set! item w))) (with-optkeys (args (weight 1) (min 1) max) (make-random-item item #f weight min max 0 #f #f)))) (map %make-random-item data)) ;;; (canonicalize-weighting-data '(a b c)) ;;; (canonicalize-weighting-data '(a (b 33) c)) ;;; (canonicalize-weighting-data '(a (b :max 33) c)) (define (recalc-weightings obj fix?) (let ((data (car (pattern-data obj))) (range 0.0)) (do ((tail data (cdr tail))) ((null? tail) #f) (set! range (+ range (next-1 (random-item-weight (car tail))))) (random-item-index-set! (car tail) range)) (if fix? (do ((tail data (cdr tail)) (index 0) (total 0)) ((null? tail) (pattern-cache-set! obj total) ) (set! index (/ (random-item-index (car tail)) range)) (random-item-index-set! (car tail) index) (set! total index)) (pattern-cache-set! obj range)))) (define (next-in-weighting obj) ;; pool is ((&rest choices) . last-item) (let* ((pool (pattern-data obj)) (per (pattern-period obj)) (flags (pattern-flags obj)) (last (cdr pool))) (unless (logtest flags +constant-weights+) ;; at beginning of new period? (when (= (period-count per) (period-length per)) (recalc-weightings obj #f))) ;; if we have a last item with an unfulfilled :min value return it (if (and (not (null? last)) (begin (random-item-count-set! last (+ 1 (random-item-count last))) (< (random-item-count last) (random-item-min last)))) (random-item-datum last) (let ((range (pattern-cache obj)) (choices (car pool)) (pick (lambda (c r) (do ((tail c (cdr tail)) (index (random r)) ;; (index (ffi_ranfloat r )) ) ( (< index (random-item-index (car tail))) (car tail))))) (next #f)) (do ((item (pick choices range) (pick choices range))) ((not (and (random-item-max item) (= (random-item-count item) (random-item-max item)))) (set! next item)) ) (unless (eqv? next last) (do ((tail choices (cdr tail))) ((null? tail) #f) (random-item-count-set! (car tail) 0))) (set-cdr! pool next) ;; adjust the weight of the newly selected item (random-item-datum next))))) ;;; (define aaa (make-weighting '(a b c d e))) ;;; (next aaa #t) ;;; (define aaa (make-weighting '(a b (c :weight 10) d e))) ;;; (next aaa #t) ;;; (define aaa (make-weighting '(a b (c :min 4) d e))) ;;; (next aaa #t) ;;; ;;; markov ;;; (define (canonicalize-markov-data data) (define (parse-markov-spec spec) (if (not (pair? spec)) (error "transition ~S is not a list" spec)) (let ((rhside (or (member '-> spec) (member '#:-> spec) (error "no right hand side in transition ~S" spec))) (lhside (list)) (range 0) (outputs (list))) ;; separate lh and rh sides (let* ((head (list #f)) (tail head)) (do () ((eqv? spec rhside) (set! lhside (cdr head)) (set! rhside (cdr rhside))) (set-cdr! tail (list (car spec))) (set! tail (cdr tail)) (set! spec (cdr spec)))) (for-each (lambda (s) (let ((val #f) (pat #f) (wei #f)) (if (pair? s) (begin (set! val (car s)) (set! wei (if (null? (cdr s)) 1 (cadr s))) ;; weight may be number or pattern (set! pat wei) (unless (number? wei) (set! wei #f))) (begin (set! val s) (set! wei 1) (set! pat 1))) ;; set range to #f if any weight is pattern ;; else precalc range for the constant weights (if (and wei range) (set! range (+ range wei)) (set! range #f)) ;;(push (list val range pat) outputs) (set! outputs (cons (list val range pat) outputs)) )) rhside) (cons lhside (cons range (reverse outputs))))) (let ((transitions (list #f))) (do ((tail data (cdr tail)) (order #f) (lis transitions) (p #f)) ((null? tail) (cdr transitions) ) (set! p (parse-markov-spec (car tail))) (if (not order) (set! order (length (car p))) ;;(set! order (max order (length (first p)))) (if (not (= order (length (car p)))) (error "found left hand sides with different number of items in ~S" data)) ) (set-cdr! lis (list p)) (set! lis (cdr lis))))) ;;; (parse-markov-spec '(a a -> b c )) ;;; (canonicalize-markov-data '((a a -> b c ) ( a b -> a) (c a -> c a))) (define (make-markov data . args) (if (not (pair? data)) (error "~S is not list of markov transitions" data) (set! data (canonicalize-markov-data data))) (with-optkeys (args for limit past) (let* ((obj (%alloc-pattern)) (len (length data)) (flags 0)) (initialize-pattern obj data for limit flags len len next-in-markov (lambda (fn obj) (for-each fn (pattern-data obj)))) (unless (pair? past) (set! past (make-list (length (car (car data))) '*))) (pattern-cache-set! obj past) obj))) (define (next-in-markov obj) ;; markov data kept as a list of lists. each list is in the form#: ;; (() range . ) (letrec ((select-output (lambda (range outputs) ;; if range is #f then one or more weights in the ;; outputs are patterns. in this case we map all the ;; outputs to update weights of every outcome and then ;; select. otherwise (range is number) we simply select ;; an outcome from the precalculated distribution. (if (not range) (do ((tail outputs (cdr tail)) (out #f) (sum 0)) ((null? tail) (select-output sum outputs)) ;; out is outcome#: (val rng ) (set! out (car tail)) ;; if third element is number use it else read it (set! sum (+ sum (if (number? (caddr out)) (caddr out) (next-1 (caddr out))))) ;; always update second element to new value (set-car! (cdr out) sum)) (let ( (n (random range)) ;; (n (ffi_ranfloat range)) ) (do ((tail outputs (cdr tail))) ((< n (cadr (car tail))) (car (car tail))))) ))) (match-past (lambda (inputs past) (do ((i inputs (cdr i)) (j past (cdr j)) (f #t)) ((or (null? i) (null? j) (not f)) f) (set! f (or (eqv? (car i) '*) (equal? (car i) (car j)) (eqv? (car j) '*)))) ))) (do ((tail (pattern-data obj) (cdr tail)) (past (pattern-cache obj)) (item #f) ) ((or (null? tail) (null? past) (match-past (car (car tail)) past)) (when (null? tail) (error "no transition matches past ~S" past)) (set! item (select-output (cadr (car tail)) (cddr (car tail)))) (unless (null? past) (if (null? (cdr past)) (set-car! past item) (do ((last past (cdr last))) ((null? (cdr last)) ;; rotate past choices leftward (set-car! past item) (set-cdr! last past) (pattern-cache-set! obj (cdr past)) (set-cdr! (cdr last) (list)))))) item)) )) ;;; (define aaa (make-markov '((a -> b c d) (b -> a) (c -> d) (d -> (a 3) b c)))) ;;; (next aaa 30) (define (markov-analyze seq . args) (let* ((morder #f) ; markov order (result #f) ; what to return (len (length seq)) (labels '()) ; the set of all outcomes (table '()) (row-label-width 8) (print-decimals 3) (field (+ print-decimals 2))) ; n.nnn (with-optkeys (args (order 1) (mode 1)) (set! morder order) (set! result mode)) (unless (member result '(1 2 3)) (error "~S is not a valid mode value" result)) (letrec ((add-outcome (lambda (prev next) (let ((entry (find-if (lambda (x) (equal? prev (car x))) table))) (if (not entry) (set! table (cons (list prev (format #f "~s" prev) (list next 1)) table)) (let ((e (assoc next (cddr entry)))) (if e (set-car! (cdr e) (+ 1 (cadr e))) (set-cdr! (last (cdr entry)) (list (list next 1))))))))) (before? (lambda (x y l) (if (null? x) #t (let ((p1 (list-index (lambda (z) (equal? (car x) z)) l)) (p2 (list-index (lambda (z) (equal? (car y) z)) l))) (cond ((< p1 p2) #t) ; bug! ;((= p1 p2) (before? (cdr x) (cdr y) l)) (else #f)))))) (liststring (lambda (l) (if (null? l) "" (let ((a (format #f "~a" (car l)))) (do ((x (cdr l) (cdr x))) ((null? x) a) (set! a (string-append a (format #f " ~a" (car x)))))))))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i len) #f) (do ((prev (list)) (j 0 (+ j 1)) ; j to morder (x #f)) ((> j morder) (add-outcome (reverse prev) x ) (if (not (member x labels)) (set! labels (cons x labels)))) (set! x (list-ref seq (modulo (+ i j) len))) ;; gather history in reverse order (when (< j morder) (set! prev (cons x prev))))) ;; sort the outcomes according to data (cond ((number? (car labels)) (set! labels (sort labels <))) ((and (car labels) (symbol? (car labels))) (set! labels (sort labels (lambda (x y) (string-cistring (cadr v))) (n (string-length s))) (display sp port) ;; s7: trim number to fit field (if (>= n field) (let ((d (position #\. s))) (set! s (substring s 0 (min (+ d 4) n))) (set! n (string-length s)))) ;; pad number (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (m (max (- field n) 0))) ((= i m) #f) (write-char #\space port)) (display s port) )))))) (newline port) (display (get-output-string port)) (close-output-port port) ))) (if (= result 1) (values) ;; if returning pattern or data convert table to markov lists (let ((pat (map (lambda (row) (append (car row) '(->) (cddr row))) table))) (if (= result 2) (make-markov pat) pat))))) ; (define aaa '(c4 c4 d4 c4 f4 e4 c4 c4 d4 c4 g4 f4 c4 c4 c5 a4 f4 e4 d4 bf4 bf4 a4 f4 g4 f4)) ; (define markovpat (markov-analyze aaa 1 2)) ; (next markovpat 30) ;;; ;;; Graph ;;; ;; (define-record graph-node datum to id) (define-record-type graph-node (make-graph-node datum to id) graph-node? (datum graph-node-datum graph-node-datum-set!) (to graph-node-to graph-node-to-set!) (id graph-node-id graph-node-id-set!)) (define (pgraph-node obj port) (list 'graph-node (graph-node-datum obj) (graph-node-to obj) (graph-node-id obj))) (define (make-graph data . args) (if (not (pair? data)) (error "~S is not a list of graph data" data) (set! data (canonicalize-graph-data data))) (with-optkeys (args for limit) (let* ((obj (%alloc-pattern)) (len (length data)) (flags 0)) (initialize-pattern obj (cons #f data ) for limit flags len len next-in-graph (lambda (fn obj) (for-each (lambda (n) ( fn (graph-node-datum n))) (cdr (pattern-data obj))))) obj))) (define (canonicalize-graph-data data) (let ((pos 1)) (define (parse-graph-item extern) (unless (pair? extern) (error "~S is not a graph node list" extern)) (apply (lambda (item . args) (with-optkeys (args to id) (unless id (set! id pos)) (set! pos (+ pos 1)) (make-graph-node item to id))) extern)) (map parse-graph-item data))) ;; (canonicalize-graph-data '((a :to 2) (b :id 2 :to a))) ;; (canonicalize-graph-data '((a :id 1 :to b) (b :id 2 :to a))) (define (next-in-graph obj) (let* ((graph (pattern-data obj)) (nodes (cdr graph)) (this (car graph))) (if (not this) (begin (set-car! graph (car nodes)) (graph-node-datum (car nodes))) ;; read the to: link and search for next node (let ((link (next-1 (graph-node-to this))) (next #f)) (do ((tail nodes (cdr tail))) ((or next (null? tail)) (if (not next) (error "no graph node for id ~S" link) (set-car! graph next)) (graph-node-datum next)) (if (eqv? link (graph-node-id (car tail))) (set! next (car tail)))))))) ;;; (define aaa (make-graph '((a :to b) (b :to a)))) ;;; (next aaa) ;;; (define aaa (make-graph `((a :to 2) (b :id 2 :to 3) (c :id 3 :to ,(make-weighting '(1 2 3)))))) ;;; (next aaa 20) ;;; ;;; Repeater ;;; (define (make-repeater pat . args) (with-optkeys (args for repeat limit) (let ((obj (%alloc-pattern)) (flags 0) ) (initialize-pattern obj (list) for stop flags 0 1 next-in-repeater (lambda (fn obj) (for-each fn (pattern-data obj)))) ;; pattern cache holds palin structure (pattern-cache-set! obj (list pat repeat)) obj))) (define (next-in-repeater obj) (let ((data (pattern-data obj))) (if (null? data) (let* ((per (pattern-period obj)) (res (next (car (pattern-cache obj)) #t)) (len (length res)) (for (period-length per)) (rep (cadr (pattern-cache obj)))) (if rep (begin (set! for (next rep)) (period-length-set! per len) (period-count-set! per len)) (period-count-set! per (* len for))) (let ((sav res) (don (- for 1))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((not (< i don)) #f) (set! res (append res sav)))) (pattern-data-set! obj (cdr res)) (car res)) (begin (pattern-data-set! obj (cdr data)) (car data)))))