To run ARNO you need the following programs: - a Common Lisp compiler (ARNO is testet under Linux with Allegro Common Lisp by Franz Inc., see "", and under MacOS with Macintosh Common Lisp by Digitool Inc., see "") - Common Music. See "" - Sceamer. See "" First you have to install the Common Lisp compiler. The order of the installation of Common Music and Screamer doesn't matter, but both must be installed before ARNO. For the installation of the compiler, of Common Music and Screamer see its documentation. To compile ARNO please edit the path in the file compile-arno.lisp. Find the line (setf *arno-dir* "/home/t/lisp/...") and put the full path of the program there. Evaluate the file. Your compiler should notice some compilation and after that you should find the *.fasl (or whatever extension) files in your dir. You have to do this only once. To load ARNO please edit first the path in the file load-arno.lisp. Again find the line (setf *arno-dir* "/home/t/lisp/...") and put your path there. Evaluate the file every time you want to load ARNO into your Lisp compiler. If your got an error you perhaps have to chance the extension (".fasl" defaults for acl and MCL) of the compiled files in the line (dolist (path (add-exension cm::*arno-files* ".fasl")) (load path)) If this doesn't work either please contact: