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<tr><td bgcolor="white" width="*" style="font-size: 11px; padding: 18px 18px 18px 18px; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif;" valign="top" align="left"><h1 style="font-size: 13px; margin: 0; padding: 0;">Check out my photos on Facebook</h1><br />Hi cmdist@ccrma.stanford.edu,<br /><br />I set up a Facebook profile where I can post my pictures, videos and events and I want to add you as a friend so you can see it. First, you need to join Facebook! Once you join, you can also create your own profile.<br/><br/>Thanks,<br />
Renick<br/><br/><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td style="background-color: #FFF8CC; border: 1px solid #FFE222; padding: 10px; font-size: 11px;"><div style="font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 3px;">To sign up for Facebook, follow the link below:</div><a style="color: #3b5998; text-decoration: none;" href="http://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=100000244637353&k=Z6E3Y5U6QX413GGJPFV5SVSQWQ&r">http://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=100000244637353&k=Z6E3Y5U6QX413GGJPFV5SVSQWQ&r</a></td></tr></table><br />See who else has invited you to Facebook:<table cellpadding="0" style="margin-top: 5px;"><tr valign="top"><td style="padding: 0px 3px 10px 0px;"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=100000244637353&k=Z6E3Y5U6QX413GGJPFV5SVSQWQ&r"><img style="border: 0px none;" alt="Enzo Sax" src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v222/1773/28/q1678640461_4710.jpg" width="50" height="50" /></a></td><td width="95" style="font-size: 11px; color: #999; padding: 0px 0px 10px
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<td style="color: #999999; padding: 10px; font-size: 11px; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif;">cmdist@ccrma.stanford.edu was invited to join Facebook by Renick Bell. If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click <a href="http://www.facebook.com/o.php?k=82a6fc&u=1492222244&mid=11da94bG58f18124G0G8" style="color: #3b5998">here</a> to unsubscribe.<br/>Facebook's offices are located at 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.</td>
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