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The fomus tarballs should be much easier to build than the SVN version,
you won't need the autoconf-archive, or several more extra packages for
building the documentation. The only dependencies for the tarballs
are the boost headers and libs. Today I should finally get my
sourceforge site together and have an actual release w/ some
documentation and at least a few examples. I'll release new tarballs
pretty quickly after I make changes, so the tarballs won't be very far
behind the SVN version.<br>
Any boost >= v. 1.35 should work (I've tested 1.35 and 1.39, I'm
assuming everything in between is ok)--the issue with boost libs is
that their installer doesn't seem to put anything in the right place,
you'll have to move the boost headers directory to the right place and
possible move the libraries out of their "stage" directory and into
your libs directory.<br>
Also, I almost have this thing working in Windows on cygwin (I'm not
sure how Windows users feel about cygwin, but it was actually much
easier to get it building properly there than w/ cisual studio.) The
issue I have to fix there has to do w/ path mixups between cygwin's
directory system and Window's, that could take me a day or two to work
out (especially on my poky old windows machine)<br>
Ralf Mattes wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:1250245319.6850.13.camel@mhflaptop01" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">On Fri, 2009-08-14 at 04:59 -0500, Heinrich Taube wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">is the beta2 version also available for linux or windows?
<pre wrap="">i think david is working on a windows binary. fomus works on linux
because that's davids main environment for working so you could
cerntainly build things there. to compile the whole sndlib + fomus +
cm software i think youd do it like this
compile and install the latest boost distribution (1.39.0 ?)
compile and install fomus to /usr/local
compile sndlib
compile grace
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Struggling with this myself just now:
Fomus seems to rely on rather new versions of autoconf/automake - at
least here (Ubuntu 8.10, automake 1.9.6) a _lot_ of m4 macros are
missing. The easiest way to fix this:
+ download a recent version of the autoconf archives:
wget <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ac-archive/ac-archive/2007.0205/ac-archive-2007.0205.tar.bz2">http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ac-archive/ac-archive/2007.0205/ac-archive-2007.0205.tar.bz2</a>
+ unpack the archive
tar xvjf ac-archive-2007.0205.tar.bz2
+ edit 'bootstrap
- aclocal >/dev/null 2>&1
+ aclocal -I ac-archive-2007.0205 >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rerun bootstrap
+ run configure / make / sudo make install
HTH Ralf Mattes
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">_______________________________________________
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