I recently compiled snd-10 from daily sources with the default S7-scheme. I'm trying to get it working in emacs.<br><br>See my .emacs below. I'm not sure how to set the program-name variables. Is snd-s7 an executable? <br>
<br><br>(add-to-list 'load-path "~/bin/snd-10/")<br>(autoload 'run-snd-scheme "inf-snd" "Start inferior Snd-Scheme process" t)<br>(autoload 'run-snd-ruby "inf-snd" "Start inferior Snd-Ruby process" t)<br>
(autoload 'run-snd-forth "inf-snd" "Start inferior Snd-Forth process" t)<br>(autoload 'snd-scheme-mode "inf-snd" "Load snd-scheme-mode." t)<br>(autoload 'snd-ruby-mode "inf-snd" "Load snd-ruby-mode." t)<br>
(autoload 'snd-forth-mode "inf-snd" "Load snd-forth-mode." t)<br><br>;; ;; These variables should be set to your needs!<br>;; (setq inf-snd-scheme-program-name "snd-s7 -notehook")<br>;; (setq inf-snd-ruby-program-name "snd-ruby -notebook")<br>
;; (setq inf-snd-forth-program-name "snd-forth")<br>(setq inf-snd-working-directory "~/bin/snd-10/")<br>(setq inf-snd-index-path "~/bin/snd-10/")<br><br>;; inf-snd-prompt-char ">" listener prompt<br>
;; snd-ruby-mode-hook nil to customize snd-ruby-mode<br>;; snd-scheme-mode-hook nil to customize snd-scheme-mode<br>;; snd-forth-mode-hook nil to customize inf-snd-forth-mode<br>
<br><br><br>Emacs loads everything with no errors but when I try to switch to snd-scheme mode the *Message* buffer gives me this:<br><br>Loading /home/james/bin/snd-10/inf-snd.el (source)...<br>
eval-buffer: Cannot open load file: ruby-mode<br>