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This morning I updated cm and installed everything again. After I
opened grace.exe, these messages appeared between the showed lines
"Grace 3.3.0 (c) 2009 Todd Ingalls, Rick Taube" and "JUCE v1.46 (c)
2009 Julian Storer":<br>
;find-if: unbound variable, line 295<br>
;find-if: unbound variable, line 11<br>
Markus Eichhoff schrieb:
<blockquote cite="mid:4A65A7B3.7090509@statistik.tu-dortmund.de"
<pre wrap="">No problem! :-) I am only happy if my computer is not crazy. So it's ok
if you work there.
But I even deleted the old cm folder and downloaded again via svn co ...
but then compiling didn't work (in windows + linux).
Ok, otherwise I will wait some time (one week or so). It's no problem.
Heinrich Taube schrieb:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">due to the (ongoing) Fomus work, svn tip may be a bit unstable over
the next week while we attempt to finish and test
if you do an 'svn update' (rev 1734) then everything should compile on
On Jul 21, 2009, at 4:53 AM, eichhoff wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">In Windows AND in Linux it's now not possible to compile the
programs. I downloaded now the trunk version of cm, the stable
juce-zip-Version, sndlib from CCRMA and premake 3.7 and made
everything regarding to the readme-file in /cm.
In Linux the last "make" doesn't work (after premake), two misstakes
are shown. As attachment I put the code that I received in linux.
Perhaps you see where the problem is.
Best regards
Heinrich Taube schrieb:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">its impossible to resolve problems if you change environments.
please do not use svn juce or an external lib, use the stable
amalgamated juce sources i ship. cm/readme.text has exact
instruction for how to build on linix and macos
i will have more time tomorrow to look for conflicting symbols, and
to make sure cm has the latest piano.scm
On Jul 20, 2009, at 5:16 AM, eichhoff wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Strange, strange... where is the problem in piano.scm? I installed all
packages (cm, sndlib, juce (recent trunk)) on linux again this
I started grace and the program crashed after I executed (the program
completely disappeared from the Desktop, no error message). So that's
not just a windows problem... Here is the crash-code again:
<pre wrap="">root@eichhoff-desktop:~/Software# cd cm
root@eichhoff-desktop:~/Software/cm# premake -verbose --target gnu
--sndlib ../sndlib
Generating GNU makefiles:
root@eichhoff-desktop:~/Software/cm# premake --verbose --target gnu
--sndlib ../sndlib
Generating GNU makefiles:
root@eichhoff-desktop:~/Software/cm# make
==== Building juce ====
mkdir -p obj/juce/Release
g++ -MMD -D "LINUX" -I "src" -I "/usr/include/freetype2" -O2 -o
"obj/juce/Release/juce_amalgamated.o" -c "src/juce_amalgamated.cpp"
src/juce_amalgamated.cpp: In static member function »static const
juce::File juce::File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory()«:
src/juce_amalgamated.cpp:243538: Warnung: Der Rückgabewert von »char*
getcwd(char*, size_t)«, der mit dem Attribut warn_unused_result
deklariert wurde, wird ignoriert
src/juce_amalgamated.cpp: In member function »void
src/juce_amalgamated.cpp:243745: Warnung: Der Rückgabewert von
»ssize_t write(int, const void*, size_t)«, der mit dem Attribut
warn_unused_result deklariert wurde, wird ignoriert
src/juce_amalgamated.cpp: In static member function »static void
juce::Logger::outputDebugString(const juce::String&)«:
src/juce_amalgamated.cpp:244380: Warnung: Format ist kein
Zeichenkettenliteral, und keine Formatargumente
mkdir -p bin
mkdir -p .
mkdir -p ./obj/juce
ar -rcs ./obj/juce/libjuce.a obj/juce/Release/juce_amalgamated.o
==== Building cm ====
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Scanner.o" -c "src/Scanner.cpp"
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Syntax.o" -c "src/Syntax.cpp"
src/Syntax.cpp: In member function »virtual void
LispSyntax::eval(juce::String, bool, bool)«:
src/Syntax.cpp:327: Warnung: veraltete Konvertierung von
Zeichenkettenkonstante in »char*«
src/Syntax.cpp:333: Warnung: veraltete Konvertierung von
Zeichenkettenkonstante in »char*«
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/CmSupport.o" -c "src/CmSupport.cpp"
src/CmSupport.cpp: In function »void cm_shell(char*)«:
src/CmSupport.cpp:69: Warnung: Der Rückgabewert von »int system(const
char*)«, der mit dem Attribut warn_unused_result deklariert wurde,
wird ignoriert
src/CmSupport.cpp: In function »char* cm_pathname_directory(char*)«:
src/CmSupport.cpp:607: Warnung: veraltete Konvertierung von
Zeichenkettenkonstante in »char*«
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Console.o" -c "src/Console.cpp"
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Scheme.o" -c "src/Scheme.cpp"
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Preferences.o" -c "src/Preferences.cpp"
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/SchemeSources.o" -c "src/SchemeSources.cpp"
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Midi.o" -c "src/Midi.cpp"
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Csound.o" -c "src/Csound.cpp"
src/Csound.cpp: In member function »void Csound::runApplication()«:
src/Csound.cpp:130: Warnung: veraltete Konvertierung von
Zeichenkettenkonstante in »char*«
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Main.o" -c "src/Main.cpp"
In file included from src/Main.cpp:16:
src/CommonLisp.h:37: Warnung: »typedef« wurde in dieser Deklaration
src/Main.cpp: In function »int main(int, const char**)«:
src/Main.cpp:265: Warnung: veraltete Konvertierung von
Zeichenkettenkonstante in »char*«
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/SndLib.o" -c "src/SndLib.cpp"
src/SndLib.cpp: In member function »void
src/SndLib.cpp:147: Warnung: veraltete Konvertierung von
Zeichenkettenkonstante in »char*«
src/SndLib.cpp: In member function »int SndLib::performCommand(int,
int, juce::String)«:
src/SndLib.cpp:193: Warnung: veraltete Konvertierung von
Zeichenkettenkonstante in »char*«
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/SndLibBridge.o" -c "src/SndLibBridge.cpp"
mkdir -p obj/cm/Release
g++ -MMD -D "SNDLIB=1" -D "LINUX=1" -I "src" -I "../sndlib/" -O2 -o
"obj/cm/Release/Instruments.o" -c "src/Instruments.cpp"
mkdir -p bin
mkdir -p .
mkdir -p bin
g++ -o bin/cm obj/cm/Release/Scanner.o obj/cm/Release/Syntax.o
obj/cm/Release/CmSupport.o obj/cm/Release/Console.o
obj/cm/Release/Scheme.o obj/cm/Release/Preferences.o
obj/cm/Release/SchemeSources.o obj/cm/Release/Midi.o
obj/cm/Release/Csound.o obj/cm/Release/Main.o obj/cm/Release/SndLib.o
obj/cm/Release/SndLibBridge.o obj/cm/Release/Instruments.o -Lbin -L.
-s -L/usr/lib -lm -L/usr/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -lasound -lm
-L"obj/juce" -L"../sndlib/" -L"/usr/X11R6/lib/" -L./obj/juce -ljuce
-lsndlib -lpthread -lrt -lX11 -lGL -lGLU -lXinerama -lasound -lfreetype
obj/cm/Release/SndLibBridge.o: In function
`ffi_fms_isfiletype(s7_scheme*, s7_cell*)':
SndLibBridge.cpp:(.text+0x7e37): undefined reference to
`fms_isfiletype(char const*)'
collect2: ld gab 1 als Ende-Status zurück
make[1]: *** [bin/cm] Fehler 1
make: *** [cm] Fehler 2
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<pre wrap=""><!---->
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="82">--
Dipl.-Math. Markus Eichhoff
Chair of Computational Statistics
Faculty of Statistics
Technical University of Dortmund
44221 Dortmund
Room 826
Phone: +49 (0)231 755 - 5903
Telefax: +49 (0)231 755 - 4387
E-mail: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:eichhoff@statistik.tu-dortmund.de">eichhoff@statistik.tu-dortmund.de</a>
Web: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.statistik.tu-dortmund.de/eichhoff_eng.html">http://www.statistik.tu-dortmund.de/eichhoff_eng.html</a></pre>