<div>Would appreciate any help...</div>
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<div>When attempting to run the following code from Notes from the Metalevel's dictionary:</div>
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<div>CM> (define (play-pats pats trope reps rate)<br> (process with dur = (* rate 2.5)<br> repeat reps<br> for len = (pick 8 12 16)<br> for pat = (make-instance (next pats)<br> :keynums trope
<br> :for len)<br> each k in (next pat #t) as x from 0 by rate<br> output (new midi :time (+ (now) x)<br> :keynum k<br> :duration dur)
<br> wait (* rate len)))<br> <br>;;; a pattern of pattern class names<br>(define pcns<br> (new weighting :of '((heap :weight 2) line cycle<br> palindrome rotation)))</div>
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<div>, I receive the following error:</div>
<div><br>LOOP ERROR: 'each' does not support initializations.<br>clause context: 'EACH K IN (NEXT PAT T)'</div>
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