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<TITLE>RE: [CM] CLM 3 - rmsenv bugs and clm-print openmcl</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Looks to me like OpenMCL is still PPC only.<BR>
On Rick's suggestion, I tried a fresh OpenMCL install and the latest CLM3. In this case, clm-print does work, so I was able to narrow down the problem.<BR>
I'm using (make-double-float-array) to create a data collection array that is passed into the run loop. Within the run loop, it appears I am succesfully writing values into and reading values from this array. But after the run loop, running a Print on the array returns an array of D0.0's. So it appears the array contents aren't surviving the exit from the run loop.<BR>
I tried using (make-array) instead -- same result.<BR>
Same error is occurring with my other instrument that tries to return an envelope: scentroid and autoc.<BR>
Any other sneaky ways I might be able to succesfully export data from the run loop?<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: Bill Schottstaedt [<A HREF="mailto:bil@ccrma.Stanford.EDU">mailto:bil@ccrma.Stanford.EDU</A>]<BR>
Sent: Tue 5/15/2007 6:09 PM<BR>
To: Bret Battey; Cmdist@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<BR>
Subject: Re: [CM] CLM 3 - rmsenv bugs and clm-print openmcl<BR>
> It returns a list of 0.0's regardless of what audio file I throw at it.<BR>
It works for me in ACL 8.1 in both Linux and OSX -- I don't have<BR>
openmcl -- does it work on an Intel Mac yet?<BR>