Thanks!<br><br>That seemed to help - now I have a new problem:<br><br>The error I get is:<br><br>(load "c:\\slime2.0\\swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t)<br>(swank:start-server "C:\\DOCUME~1\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\slime.596" :external-format :iso-latin-1-unix)
<br><br>The system cannot find the path specified.<br><br>Process inferior-lisp exited abnormally with code 1<br><br>Here is the code I am inserting into Xemacs init.el file (maybe this is the source of the problem?):<br>
<br> (add-to-list 'load-path "\\slime2.0\\") <br> (add-to-list 'load-path "\\cygwin\\lisp\\cm\\") <br> (setq cm-program "c:/cygwin/lisp/cm/bin/cm.bat")<br> (load "etc\\xemacs\\cm.el")
<br> (enable-cm-commands)<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 3/26/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">Rick Taube</b> <<a href=""></a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
yes thanks. for more infor about slime see a note i sent to the list<br>earlier today.<br><br>i wish i could do something better for windows -- does their new<br>Vista have a reasonable shell language or is it still the same dos
<br>nonsense under the hood?<br><br>On Mar 26, 2007, at 11:20 AM, James Baker wrote:<br><br>> you need to set cm-program, otherwise emacs attempts to launch a shell<br>> script (something windows knows nothing about)
<br>><br>> add the following to your .emacs (make sure to alter the path to where<br>> cm is located on your system)<br>><br>> (setq cm-program "c:/path/to/cm/bin/cm.bat")<br>><br>> On 3/27/07, Landspeedrecord <
<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>>> So I switched from CYGWIN/clisp to plain on clisp on XP. Thanks<br>>> to those<br>>> who suggested I make the switch.
<br>>><br>>> I am now trying to get Xemacs/SLIME/Clisp/CM working. I followed the<br>>> "running common music in Emacs" tutorial on the common music<br>>> homepage and I<br>>> am getting a weird error when I try to launch Common Music in
<br>>> Xemacs (by<br>>> doing M-x cm).<br>>><br>>> The error says: Peculiar Error (file-error "error starting" "Exec<br>>> format<br>>> error" . "c:\\lisp\\cm\\bin\\").
<br>>><br>>> Any ideas what might be going on?<br>>><br>>> FWIW I am running several different lisps on my XP machine and I<br>>> have no<br>>> idea if Xemacs/SLIME is using Clisp or one of the other lisps.
<br>>> Any tips on<br>>> how to determine this?<br>>><br>>> Thanks!<br>>><br>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Cmdist mailing list<br>> <a href=""></a><br>> <a href=""></a><br><br>_______________________________________________<br>Cmdist mailing list
<br><a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br></blockquote></div>