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<TITLE>RE: [CM] How to fix: no such class MIDIMSG</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: Rick Taube [<A HREF="mailto:taube@uiuc.edu">mailto:taube@uiuc.edu</A>]<BR>
Sent: Tue 11/15/2005 12:39 PM<BR>
To: Emre Sevinc<BR>
Cc: cmdist@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<BR>
Subject: Re: [CM] How to fix: no such class MIDIMSG<BR>
>Yes the class name has changed since the book, now CM provides true<BR>
>classes for midi messages<BR>
><A HREF="http:/commonmusic.sf.net/doc/dict/midi-topic.html">http:/commonmusic.sf.net/doc/dict/midi-topic.html</A><BR>
>i think this is what you want:<BR>
> (define (clearbends)<BR>
> (process for c below 16<BR>
> output (new midi-pitch-bend :time (now) :bend 0 :channel<BR>
Thank you very much for the information.<BR>
Thanks to andersvi at extern.uio.no, too for explanation<BR>
of scaler->cents details.<BR>
>see also<BR>
><A HREF="http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/dict/midi-pitch-bend-cls.html">http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/dict/midi-pitch-bend-cls.html</A><BR>
On Nov 14, 2005, at 5:14 PM, Emre Sevinc wrote:<BR>
> Hi all,<BR>
> I'm studying Ch. 15 of the book Notes from the Metalevel<BR>
> and after successfuly listening to harmonic series<BR>
> I was stuck at Ex. 2, clearbends:<BR>
> (define (clearbends)<BR>
> (process for c below 16<BR>
> output (new midimsg<BR>
> :time (now)<BR>
> :msg (make-pitch-bend c 0))))<BR>
> CM::C 0))<BR>
> ;<BR>
> ; caught ERROR:<BR>
> ; (in macroexpansion of (NEW MIDIMSG :TIME ...))<BR>
> ; (hint: For more precise location, try *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*.)<BR>
> ; There is no class named MIDIMSG.<BR>
> What does that mean? Is midimsg a deprecated class? Is there<BR>
> some similar class with a different name?<BR>
> I'll be glad if somebody can help me.<BR>
> Happy musical hacking,<BR>
> Emre S.<BR>