>you need to make sure that the --load arg is specified in your command string!! That --load arg tells
>emacs to load (evaluate) cm.el rather than edit it in a buffer. right now you are simply editing the
>cm.el file then when you eval that buffer you are doing what the --load option does.
>I think your open command should look something like:
>open -a emacs --load "/Applications/CommonMusic.app/Contents/MacOS/cm.el"
Two things work:
'open -a emacs'
opens the aquafied emacs application and
'emacs -nw -l "/Applications/CommonMusic.app/Contents/MacOS/cm.el" '
opens a terminal CM.
porkrind says, the -nw option is necessary to launch emacs per command.
I don't know how to combine these two things for the cm.sh file.
Thanks, Greetings
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