[CM] ambix ambisonics command line

Anders Vinjar anders at avinjar.no
Thu Jun 13 01:35:06 PDT 2024

I perhaps misunderstood what you're looking for?

Ambisonics seems to be a strange thing (obvious by the sci-fi name,
always with the capitol A...), relying on - at least for me - much
DSP-mythology.  It's fun though!

Ambisonics seems to be a way of recording, of representing space, some
multi channel file-formats, a lot of heavy formulas, a class of
microphones, a way of playing back something, a way of arranging
loudspeakers - probably all these at once.

Most of the mythology seems to be related to using the mics, trying to
trick a 4-capsule microphone to behave like a 0-sized point in space

I don't know what the math-part of your brains look like, but at least i
get confused, i dont think i'm alone.  After working heavily with
Ambisonics for the last 20 years, I have absolutely no idea at all how
to set up a proper Ambisonics decoder, or make correct A2B-format
encoders for my own microphones - relying 100% on some wiser guys dark
knowledge, just doing what someone tells me to do.

To get any meaningful output from my own mics I have to first send them
across the Atlantic (to Len Moskowitz in New York) to get some
DSP-ritual back (calibration-data) to plug in to some DSP i dont know
how functions (mic-specific A2B encoder).

    > Sound file is a four or eight channels file generated on CLM or Snd.
    > Four channels is as follows:

    > FLU is channel 0 (FL); FRD is channel 1(FR);
    > BLD is channel 2 (RL); BRU is channel 3(RR);

Hmm, if all you want to do is to pan some mono-signal into 3D space -
given azimuth and elevation - and code it as a B-format Ambisonics
format-file (W,X,Y,Z) - i think you can try something like:

  W = (* Signal 0707)
  X = (* Signal (cos azi) (cos elev))
  Y = (* Signal (sin azi) (cos elev))
  Z = (* Signal (sin elev))

Take care!


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