[CM] ambix ambisonics command line

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jun 5 11:44:49 PDT 2024


Does anyone know of a command line application that would process
multichannel (interleaved) soundfiles into Ambisonics b-format or ambix?.

Being more optimistic, is there Snd's S7 code that we could use for this

  - On a side note:

  After all these years, usefulness, expediency, fruitfulness, to say the
least, still make Snd stand out. Like Emacs, using it almost everyday.
Some will say a hacker's delight, and indeed that's what it is. Hereby
joining everyone on expressing gratitude to Bill for all his efforts on
all regards.


   -- Juan Reyes

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