[CM] SDL is unchanged still but here's another for ImGui

Omar Cornut omar at miracleworld.net
Mon Jul 8 11:12:33 PDT 2024

(Just to clarify i am happy to help and answer specific questions (on
github) but here it seems i was added to a seemingly random thread for no
particular reason :) but let me know if I missed something! Good luck!)

On Mon 8 Jul 2024 at 20:06, Omar Cornut <omar at miracleworld.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> Language bindings for dear imgui may be added at
> https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Bindings#language-bindings
> May I recommend you may be able to use Dear Bindings for bindings
> generation:
> https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Bindings#binding-generators
> Cheers,
> (Otherwise, please kindly remove me and the dearimgui address from this
> thread. 🙏 i am not really comfortable with this address being included in
> a mailing list post as it seems like a likely vector for bots to index the
> address. Thank you.)
> On Mon 8 Jul 2024 at 19:48, <chohag at jtan.com> wrote:
>> Norman Gray writes:
>> >
>> > Matthew, hello.
>> >
>> > On 7 Jul 2024, at 20:32, chohag at jtan.com wrote:
>> >
>> > > On the other hand in both cases what's left is mostly writing the
>> > > S7 interface functions which for the most part should require only
>> > > naming the constant or function. Anyone like writing long lists of
>> > > repetetive code?
>> >
>> > Writing no; generating... sometimes.
>> Indeed consider that tongue in cheek. I expect (hope!) by the end
>> there'll be a higher ratio of generated:written code. At this early
>> stage I'm more concerned with feeling out how the API will be
>> exported and a little bit of repetition isn't a huge problem yet.
>> There's also still a few features of S7 I'm not taking advantage
>> of yet like function signatures and I wouldn't like to have to
>> inject them into tangled up macros.
>> > Faced with a similar problem, I've used s7 to generate C before.
>> Specifically, I can point towards util-extra.c.in at [1], which includes
>> #(...) forms within the source, which expand to C, using a very simple
>> function in scheme-macro-filter.scm there.
>> Thanks I'll take a look. I tend to lean toward CPP macros through
>> familiarity but that may change as I build up a body of code, provided
>> I can keep magic out of the build process.
>> > I take the opportunity to mention this, partly to join in very late on
>> a snd/s7 list thread of a month or so ago, expressing communal enthusiasm
>> for s7 (thread 's7 got some love in the Lisp game jam').  The program I'm
>> pointing to does a lot of its
>> > work in s7, although (in the terms of the blogpost which started that
>> thread) I can't tell if it uses the 'icing' or 'cake' model: C calls s7
>> main calls C calls s7.  The point of this paragraph is to log that I've
>> become more and more of an s7 fan,
>> > in the sense that it seems to have exactly the right tone to match the
>> extension problem very well.  So thanks, Bill.
>> This is essentially why I've settled on S7. There's no "FFI" as
>> such, instead I can flit back and forth between S7 and C seamlessly
>> as needed. I guess that makes S7 the ... fork?
>> Matthew
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