[CM] Setting up snd/emacs
Kenneth Flak
kennethflak at protonmail.com
Fri Jul 5 02:28:27 PDT 2024
I'm somewhat belatedly starting to realize the absolute
awesomeness of emacs, and I'm now trying to get snd working with
it... However, my initial attempts aren't workind very well..
This is what I have in my init.el right now, and I was hoping that
it would do something magical whenever I open a .csm file (as
suggested in the docs)
(load-file "~/dots/emacs/inf-snd.el")
(set-default 'auto-mode-alist
(append '(("\\.rbs$" . snd-ruby-mode)
("\\.cms$" . snd-scheme-mode))
(autoload 'run-snd-scheme "inf-snd" "Start inferior Snd-Scheme
process" t)
(setq inf-snd-scheme-program-name "snd -separate")
No magic is happening, unfortunately. I am left hanging in
Fundamental mode and that's about it... The snd-*-commands show up
in M-x, but they don't really do very much.
I'm running emacs 29.4, arch linux and the latest version of
Grateful for any help!
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