[CM] making a debugger?

bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jul 2 09:20:53 PDT 2024

s7.html has a section toward the end of the file about
repl.scm and nrepl.acm.  These have a function drop-into-repl
which can be used to poke around in the current context.
I think you could call this when an error is hit, or
if you're in a "raw" terminal, when you hit some key
like C-C.  The file debug.scm has (very lightly tested)
functions for break points and the like-- it also could drop into
a repl.  I have wanted for a long time to tie the object->let
code in s7 into a debugger, so you could examine structures
and so on.  s7 badly needs a decent debugger.

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