[CM] Getting snd to work with conjure/neovim

Kenneth Flak kennethflak at protonmail.com
Sat Jun 24 10:47:09 PDT 2023

Had a bit of time to dig further into the whole nvim/conjure/snd thing, and I might be making some headway here.

Would it be reasonable to assume that snd executes commands from stdin as one-shot events? I do get a return value back to the repo on exit from snd, but not immediately after executing a command.

Test code:

   (open-sound "/home/kf/xylophone.wav")
   (scale-channel 0.1)
   (save-sound-as "/home/kf/xylophone-scaled-1.wav")

This produces this log in conjure:

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; snd (started)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; eval (root-form): (begin (open-sound "/home/kf/xylophone.wav"...
; debug: send
   (open-sound \"/home/kf/xylophone.wav\")
   (scale-channel 0.1)
   (save-sound-as \"/home/kf/xylophone-scaled-1.wav\")
; debug: receive
; debug: receive
; process exited with code 1
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; snd (stopped)

If I omit the (exit) in the code, the processing happens, but snd blocks any further input until it exits (manually or programmatically).


Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
Web: roosnaflak.com
Code: {github,gitlab}.com/kflak
Mastodon: @kf at sonomu.club
On 13 Jun 2023  10:58, bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU wrote:
>> Does snd spit out anything like a prefix or exit code or
>> something through stdout when evaluating an expression,
>> in addition to the return value?
>I don't think so.  Is snd still running after you get that
>value?  Currently snd blocks SIGTTIN and SIGTTOU.

Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
Web: roosnaflak.com
Code: {github,gitlab}.com/kflak
Mastodon: @kf at sonomu.club
On 13 Jun 2023  20:27, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 7:26 PM Kenneth Flak <kennethflak at protonmail.com> wrote:
>> Hmmm... seems my excitement was a bit premature. The first expression I evaluate works fine, but after that I am unable to get anything working. Need to do a bit more digging, it seems...
>Maybe try to compile snd with the "--with-webserver" option? This
>makes snd into a webserver you can send data in and out of.
>Just start snd first (in a separate terminal), and then use
>"s7webserver_repl.py" as REPL for conjure.

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