[CM] make-sampler vs. open

bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 7 13:01:27 PST 2023

I'd need to see you sampler code to see what the problem
is, but this sequence works:

;; write a square-wave to test.snd
(with-sound (:output "test.snd" :to-snd #f)
   (let ((g (make-square-wave 440.0)))
     (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
	((= i 44100))
       (outa i (square-wave g)))))

;; read it using a sampler
(let* ((snd (open-sound "test.snd"))
        (sampler (make-sampler 0 snd 0)))
   (with-sound (:output "test1.snd")
     (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
	((= i 44100))
       (outa i (read-sample sampler)))))

;; filter it using fft-filtering
(let* ((len (mus-sound-framples "test1.snd"))
        (fsize (expt 2 (ceiling (log len 2))))
        (rdata (make-float-vector fsize))
        (idata (make-float-vector fsize)))
   (file->array "test1.snd" 0 0 len rdata)
   (mus-fft rdata idata fsize 1)
   (let ((fsize2 (/ fsize 2))
         (cutoff (round (/ fsize 10))))
     (do ((i cutoff (+ i 1))
          (j (- fsize 1) (- j 1)))
         ((= i fsize2))
       (set! (rdata i) 0.0)
       (set! (idata i) 0.0)
       (set! (rdata j) 0.0)
       (set! (idata j) 0.0)))
   (mus-fft rdata idata fsize -1)
   (array->file "test2.snd"
	       (float-vector-scale! rdata (/ 1.0 fsize))
	       44100 ;(srate "oboe.snd")

   (open-sound "test2.snd"))

load this into snd and you should see the 3 files.  If they
appear to be all ones, move the graph slider to show a
smaller portion of the file.  File:Open is probably
showing only a small portion of the file in its initial
window -- I think the variable that sets that is initial-dur
which defaults to .1 seconds.

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