[CM] removing harmonic content from sound (solutions for real-time use)

Orm Finnendahl orm.finnendahl at selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de
Thu Aug 17 01:27:06 PDT 2023

Hi Juan,

Am Mittwoch, den 16. August 2023 um 14:15:42 Uhr (-0700) schrieb Juan Reyes:
> Digging a bit deeper on the ATS webpage [1], found that Pablo
> DiLiscia has working Pd binaries (only for windoze though) [2].

 for the record: There are also Csound opcodes and SuperCollider
plugins available. AFAIK the pd binaries don't contain the resynthesis
part (a bit like sigmund~, but reading from an ATS file rather than
realtime). The Csound and SuperCollider plugins do resynthesis but
lack the option to modulate amp or frequency for each sinusoidal track
individually (which for me makes all the difference).


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