[CM] Pysndlib on pypi

Todd Ingalls TestCase at asu.edu
Tue Aug 15 10:54:59 PDT 2023

Hello Everyone

After finding the initial version too slow, I am now using cython to generate code that seems to run 4x or more faster that what I had announced earlier. I have also put a package with pre-built wheels on pypi so getting started if you are on linux or macOS should be as easy as doing

pip install pysndlib

The page is here https://pypi.org/project/pysndlib/

I also have generated docs which are also hopefully helpful https://testcase.github.io/pysndlib/index.html

This is all very much a work in progress but things are at least at the stage that I think people might start to find useful .

Source code - https://github.com/testcase/pysndlib

Todd Ingalls
Associate Director
School of Arts, Media and Engineering

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