[CM] removing harmonic content from sound (solutions for real-time use)

NA snd at oddodd.org
Tue Aug 15 15:19:50 PDT 2023

Yes its very possible and cheap! Of course some latency will be incurred.
Check out the FluidHPSS class in the SuperCollider extension

Niklas Adam

On Tue Aug 15, 2023 at 10:08 PM CEST, Anders Vinjar wrote:
> >>>>> 15 Aug 2023 - "NA" <snd at oddodd.org>:
>     N> Hi Anders, Some Harmonic-Percussive Source Separation could help
>     N> you out.  Check the Fluid Corpus Manipulation Toolkit.
>     N> https://learn.flucoma.org/reference/hpss/
> This looks very interesting!  I'll try to read me up.
> Do you know if the approach to signal/noise separation can be used in
> real-time contexts?
> -anders

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