[CM] Watchdog unable to set SCHED_RT priority

Kjetil Matheussen k.s.matheussen at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 15:22:37 PDT 2021

No worries probably. In practice it only means that the sound player
won't run with realtime priortiy (since it couldn't start the watchdog
thread). If you don't get any dropouts in sound then that's not a
problem. I guess you get that error because you don't have privilege
to start a SCHED_RR thread with the highest possible priority, but
again, if you don't hear any dropouts, then you don't need it. When I
wrote the code around 2003 it might have been necessary to run with
realtime priority, but today I guess it's not.

On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 5:44 PM Kenneth Flak <kennethflak at protonmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am getting this message when I exit snd:
> ```
> SNDLIB: Unable to set SCHED_RR realtime priority for the watchdog thread. No watchdog.
> SNDLIB: Watchdog exiting
> ```
> Is this a point of worry? My user should have realtime priviliges on my arch linux box...
> Best,
> Kenneth
> --
> Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
> Web: roosnaflak.com
> Code: {github,gitlab}.com/kflak
> Mastodon: @kf at sonomu.club
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