[CM] Watchdog unable to set SCHED_RT priority

Kenneth Flak kennethflak at protonmail.com
Mon Jul 12 22:40:33 PDT 2021

Thanks! That was my intuition as well... I'm running snd with a buffer size of 1024, without any dropouts so far. In any case I'm not using snd for realtime work, so this is not a problem area.


Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
Web: roosnaflak.com
Code: {github,gitlab}.com/kflak
Mastodon: @kf at sonomu.club
On 13 Jul 2021  00:22, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:
>No worries probably. In practice it only means that the sound player
>won't run with realtime priortiy (since it couldn't start the watchdog
>thread). If you don't get any dropouts in sound then that's not a
>problem. I guess you get that error because you don't have privilege
>to start a SCHED_RR thread with the highest possible priority, but
>again, if you don't hear any dropouts, then you don't need it. When I
>wrote the code around 2003 it might have been necessary to run with
>realtime priority, but today I guess it's not.
>On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 5:44 PM Kenneth Flak <kennethflak at protonmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I am getting this message when I exit snd:
>> ```
>> SNDLIB: Unable to set SCHED_RR realtime priority for the watchdog thread. No watchdog.
>> SNDLIB: Watchdog exiting
>> ```
>> Is this a point of worry? My user should have realtime priviliges on my arch linux box...
>> Best,
>> Kenneth
>> --
>> Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
>> Web: roosnaflak.com
>> Code: {github,gitlab}.com/kflak
>> Mastodon: @kf at sonomu.club
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