[CM] loading libc_s7.c

James Hearon j_hearon at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 7 11:52:42 PDT 2021

Thank you for the information.  The ./snd -noinit option seems to work best, so far for command-line approach.  My normal approach is to use snd thru emacs and I've not had the libc_s7 loading problem there.  So no worries, I can be patient until this gets sorted out.

[jhearon at localhost snd-21]$ ./snd -noinit

> (new-sound "test.snd")
#<sound 0>
> (mix "oboe.snd")
> (framples) 50828

;write argument 2, 50828, is an integer but should be an output port
;    (if (do ((p lst (cdr p))) ((not (and...
;    *stdout*, line 7, position: 789
; (if (do ((p lst (cdr p))) ((not (and (pai...

> (play)
> (exit)
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