[CM] SchemeMosaic 1.7
David O'Toole
deeteeoh1138 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 13:36:23 PST 2021
Thank you :)
On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 4:26 PM Iain Duncan <iainduncanlists at gmail.com>
> Congrats David! thanks for sharing. :-)
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 1:25 PM David O'Toole <deeteeoh1138 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Greetings, fellow computer music enthusiasts!
>> I'm pleased to announce the 1.7 release of my free musical concatenative
>> synthesis, remixing, and beat-jamming machine known as SchemeMosaic, with a
>> number of new features and improvements. SchemeMosaic is implemented partly
>> in Emacs Lisp and partly in S7 Scheme, and uses the Snd editor to do its
>> processing while GNU Emacs handles the user interface (and other things
>> besides.)
>> Recently while perusing the CMU AI Archive, I found a public domain
>> neural network simulator written in Scheme. With a few changes it works
>> great in S7 and I have successfully used it to train several interesting
>> neural networks that are now included with SchemeMosaic, along with tools
>> to generate your own networks (not yet documented, but soon.)
>> Improvements in SchemeMosaic 1.7 include:
>> - Increased resolution in spectral analysis.
>> - Percussion-3, a neural network (NN) which attempts to classify a
>> sound as a kick, snare, or cymbal.
>> - X-1 through X-6, NN rhythm generators trained on different sets
>> of hip hop and dance loops (using the Percussion-3 net to detect
>> the beats.) In the Neural Network Jam Wizard, you can choose a variety of
>> parameters for beat generation and use the Looper to save your
>> experimentations for further chopping and screwing in the Chopper Wizard,
>> or for use with external programs.
>> - Beatbox-3, (experimental) which can attempt to
>> resynthesize beatboxing (mouth drumming sounds) into quantized drum
>> events using WAV samples of your choice. You can choose the
>> quantization factor and even resynthesize using Mosaic databases (not
>> included with the main distribution.)
>> - More "Wizards", i.e. custom screens to help with common tasks.
>> - The Beat Slicer wizard can detect beats and slice them to individual
>> files for use with the Neural Network Jam Wizard, or other software such as
>> Hydrogen or LMMS. (I'm planning a drumkit exporter that will work with
>> both.) It can also speed up and slow down loops without altering the pitch,
>> although in some cases this does result in distortion. It works better on
>> some loops than others.
>> - Snd can run on a different machine (or in the cloud!) via TRAMP. This
>> is experimental and not 100% of everything works remotely yet.
>> - Bugfixes.
>> Much more to come!
>> Check out the newest demo video of SchemeMosaic:
>> - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW9OhtNc5LA
>> - Xelf.me: http://xelf.me/scheme-mosaic-beatbox-demo.mkv
>> I would like to invite other Snd enthusiasts to give it a shot! It should
>> work easily on GNU/Linux based systems, but at present the Windows version
>> is a work in progress and there might be issues. I'm working with a Windows
>> user to iron out the bugs and will update the site as things happen. There
>> is also a Mac OSX version in the works.
>> As always, the project home page is:
>> - http://xelf.me/scheme-mosaic.html
>> You can chat with myself and some other folks interested in Emacs and
>> Lisp in audio and music, on Freenode IRC's #emsig channel.
>> I've also compiled a bunch of sounds from the last year's worth of
>> experimentation with SchemeMosaic. It's in roughly chronological order and
>> runs nearly an hour in length. Here is the MP3 file:
>> http://xelf.me/omnibus-3.mp3 The new neural network stuff is all at the
>> end.
>> I hope you've enjoyed my update, and I hope you enjoy the sounds.
>> Thanks again to Bill Schottstaedt and the Snd community for a wonderful
>> system :) I've never had so much fun programming. Sometimes I shake the
>> walls of my house with Snd, and I just giggle. You could call it sound
>> therapy.
>> --David
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