[CM] s7 git repository

Woody Douglass wdouglass at carnegierobotics.com
Wed Sep 30 04:19:08 PDT 2020


When you're ready, whether you decide to maintain svn history or not, i'll take my repo down and replace it with a link to the gitlab one. Just let me know.


On 2020-09-30 06:35:03-04:00 cmdist-bounces at ccrma.Stanford.EDU wrote:

One thing though: I noticed 3 commits.
I think it'd be good to preserve the commit history.
There is the "git-svn" tool to convert an existing svn repo to git.
My output of "git log --reverse" of the snd svn repo cloned with git-svn.
(the output is the same in woody's mirror)
commit e88041f23616418181b094a154d6f07e4e1d2860
Author: schottstaedt <schottstaedt at b278ec2f-9027-4a79-a958-f306da2c2c68>
Date:   Mon Oct 9 14:32:43 2017 +0000

    init dirs

    git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/snd/svn1@1 b278ec2f-9027-4a79-a958-f306da2c2c68
I got the repo with "git svn clone https://svn.code.sf.net/p/snd/svn1/" (which took a looong time)
Don't know if you can "init" the git repo with your local svn repo.
Here's the complete documentation https://git-scm.com/docs/git-svn
Alternatively, (if woody's repo is up to date) you could clone that, rename the "upstream" branch
to "master" and push to gitlab
..Well unless the "clean state" is on purpose

On Wed, 30 Sep 2020 at 11:53, <bil at ccrma.stanford.edu<mailto:bil at ccrma.stanford.edu>> wrote:
With help from Fernando, there is now a git repository
for s7:

git at cm-gitlab.stanford.edu:bil/s7.git

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