[CM] Errors with loop macro on windows (OSX fine)

Iain Duncan iainduncanlists at gmail.com
Sat May 9 14:23:25 PDT 2020

Hi Rick, I just added some basics and they are working fine: defining a
function and some vars, calling the function on the vars, displaying the

I also added putting a function definition into another file (mult.scm),
loading it, and calling the function, no issues there either.

So on my end, I see no weirdness until I try to actually *call* loop.

I've put the updated script up on the git repo in case that is useful.


On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 2:06 PM Taube, Heinrich K <taube at illinois.edu> wrote:

> are you able to get your program to load a scheme test file with some s7
> expressions and see that they execute sucessfully?
> Im asking because I could compile and link to sndlib/s7 but it would not
> evaluate expression not involved with loop at all.
> On May 9, 2020, at 3:56 PM, Iain Duncan <iainduncanlists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, now that I've made a test project, I think I can helpfully report. I
> am using the version of loop.scm downloaded from Rick's github, and S7 from
> the mirror. I've made a standalone C program that embeds s7, loads
> loop.scm, and tries to use it. It's working fine on OSX.  On Windows 10,
> loop loads, but calling it makes the program hang until I do Control-C. (I
> did have to monkey patch s7.c to make that work, see previous email)
> In case it is useful (or I've just done something stupid!!), my test
> project is here, with text file README describing the results:
> https://github.com/iainctduncan/scheme-for-max/tree/master/test-code/s7-test
> If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. I'm just going to leave
> loop.scm turned off by default in my windows package for now.
> Iain
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