[CM] Errors building latest S7 (today's) on VS2019, Windows 10

Iain Duncan iainduncanlists at gmail.com
Sat May 9 13:50:37 PDT 2020

Hi all, in order to sort out my macro issues I made a little test project
specifically for verifying builds across OSX and Windows. I have it
grabbing the latest S7 from the mirror on github (thanks Woody, super handy

With the current version of S7.h and S7.c, I get the following issues on
Visual Studio 2019, Windows 10:

compiling S7 throws errors for lines 11121 to 11125:
  Error	C2491	'asinh': definition of dllimport function not allowed
  Error	C2491	'acosh': definition of dllimport function not allowed
  Error	C2491	'atanh': definition of dllimport function not allowed
  Error	C2491	'cbrt': definition of dllimport function not allowed

If I comment those out, it builds fine. But I imagine that's not the
right solution... :-)

If there's anything I can do to assist, let me know, I'm set up to
build easily on win 10, VS 2019 now.


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