[CM] Snd 20.4

Kjetil Matheussen k.s.matheussen at gmail.com
Wed May 27 03:24:02 PDT 2020

Hi Bill,

What's the status of multiprecision arithmetic now? Does all
calculations (including those that does not require multiprecision) go
slower if we enable it?

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 11:46 AM <bil at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> Snd 20.4:
> s7: added s7_scheme* argument to s7_is_eqv, and all the
> s7_set_*_function calls that
>        set optimizer functions (the preceding calls were, sadly, not
> thread-safe).
>      libarb_s7.c: a multiprecision library paralleling GSL.  Requires
> libflint.
>        Only in the gmp version of s7. (I wanted multiprecision Bessel
> functions).
> checked: ubuntu 20.04, sbcl-2.0.4, FC 32, gsl 2.6, Ruby 2.7, gcc/clang
> 10
> Thanks!: Elijah, Woody Douglass, Ian Duncan, Kjetil Matheussen
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