[CM] Using many MIDI outs with CM

Orm Finnendahl orm.finnendahl at selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de
Wed Mar 4 00:29:34 PST 2020

Hi Neil,

 a couple of years back I did this using 40 mictrotonal softsynths
(occupying 4 Midi Channels each) in realtime. But that was using the
Common Lisp version of cm (with incudine as the real time engine) and
therefore might not be what you're looking for. Otherwise drop me a
note and I'll help to get you going.


Am Dienstag, den 03. März 2020 um 15:37:08 Uhr (-0800) schrieb Neil Baylis:
> I have a project that needs to send midi to more than 40 instruments at the
> same time. Is there a way to specify more than one midi bus for output in
> CM/Grace? The dialog for selecting midi bus seems to only allow one at a
> time.
> I've been able to make this work with Pure Data, but was hoping to switch
> the project to CM because I prefer that programming model. I've used CM in
> previous projects, but never with more than 16 instruments.
> Neil Baylis

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