[CM] New home for Grace

Forrest Curo treegestalt at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 10:32:46 PST 2020

Yes. On alternate computer (Ubuntu 18.04) I initially run into:
#error "This project was last saved using an outdated version of the
Projucer! Re-save this project with the latest version to fix this error."

which is fixable by editing:
to read (line 35): #define JUCER_ENABLE_GPL_MODE 1

Then to make Projucer
then execute from terminal
and open ~/parent/grace/Grace.jucer
then save.
and Grace (compilation) goes abounding along, whee!

Hope this helps!

On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 7:28 AM Taube, Heinrich K <taube at illinois.edu> wrote:

> once you do  'git clone https://github.com/WeAreROLI/JUCE.git juce’ you
> shouldn't need to interact with the juce website at all.
> If you need to change Grace's build process you will edit Grace.jucer,
> make your changes, and regenerate the builds. For this you can build the
> juce/extras/Projucer app in GPL mode using one of their premade projects.
> On Mar 5, 2020, at 8:48 AM, Forrest Curo <treegestalt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks much for humoring my impatience. (The delay gave me time to start a
> batch of sauerkraut before my cabbage rotted the wrong way in the fridge.)
> So, Projucer is in the package... If I don't have to mess with the JUCE
> website, that should save considerable annoyance.
> Onward, whee!
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 4:52 AM Taube, Heinrich K <taube at illinois.edu>
> wrote:
>> I’ve changed Grace.jucer to use realtive pathnames so if you do a git
>> pull you should get new build systems that you can try out (I wont have
>> access to linux or windows until sunday to test.). As it stands the grace
>> project expects a parent directory that contains juce, sndlb and grace as
>> described in the readme.  But if you don't like that you can change
>> Grace.jucer in the Projucer to fit your needs, that's why its included.
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