[CM] unbound variable with CM_Patterns.scm

James Hearon j_hearon at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 19 11:09:29 PDT 2020

I'm still having trouble with f32, and snd 20.4, s7 9.1, sndlib 24.7

open snd
$ ./snd

choose Show Listener

>(load "/opt/snd-20/CM_patterns.scm")
;unquote: no argument, 'unquote
; (list-values 'begin (list-values...
>(define aaa (make-cycle (list 1 2 3)))
;unbound variable make-cycle
;        (list-value 'begin (list-values...

I see it writes a fresh libc_s7.c, and libc_s7.so when I load CM_Patterns.scm, but I still don't have something hooked up correctly yet.
Wondering where it might be going wrong?

Thank You,
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