[CM] Beginner's tutorials?

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jul 7 14:08:15 PDT 2020

Hi Kenneth,

There is a Wiki I wrote -several- years ago here: [1].

And here is another one at Users at PlanetCCRMA: [2].

Some things to keep on mind. It helps to know about the Unix command
window and also familiarity with Emacs commands. Its power under the
hood is S7, just like with Emacs you can do almost anything imaginable
once you know how to do it.

As per your questions, Snd's recording interface was awesome to say the
least. But AFAIK, I don't think Snd has recording capabilities anymore.
As far as extracting a mono channel from an interleaved multichannel
file, you can write a S7 function to do that. Cut-and-paste is not as
intuitive, but if you know your Emacs commands, sure can be done. In
addition to these, you can also do sample-rate conversion on the fly,
granulation, eq, and reverb (check controls). However, Don't want to
sound over optimistic but to a great extend a lot of signal processing
that can be done with Matlab, is possible on S7. I also use it for batch
processing of sound files. Most of features are documented or embedded
in Snd's 'scm' or 'cms' files.

Don't expect Snd to behave like Ardour or Audacity.

   --* Juan Reyes

[1] https://ccrma.stanford.edu/wiki/Snd
[2] https://ccrma.stanford.edu/guides/planetccrma/SND.html

> Just realized that I should have narrowed the scope of my question a 
> bit :-) I enjoyed very much snd.html, and it does work as a good 
> intro. But it would be great to have a kind of cookbook section, and 
> I'd be happy to contribute to it if I could figure out these three 
> things (which I guess should be reasonably simple):
> 1. record from arbitrary input channel 2. extract mono channel from 
> stereo/multichannel file 3. visually select multiple regions in an 
> audio file and batch export these as separate file.
> Any help much appreciated!
> Best, Kenneth

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