[CM] Performance of S7

Kjetil Matheussen k.s.matheussen at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 10:08:21 PST 2020

> >  Hash table lookups on symbols should
> > be fast too, unless I've missed something.  Could you run TeXmacs under
> > callgrind and send me the results? -- something might jump out at me.
> > I downloaded TeXmacs, but I don't see the s7 code.
> >
> I do  not know callgrind and I'm on Mac usually, does it work there?

Probably, but one very dirty, and often efficient, way to find out
where a program spends its time is simply to interrupt it (e.g. press
ctrl-c when running in lldb). Do it a few times, and very often it
will be interrupted where it's spending most of its CPU time.

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