[CM] Enabling Common Music in S7

Juan I Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Apr 13 14:05:02 PDT 2020

Thanks a lot for your example Rick!.

This is just what I needed.

Wow, much easier than I thought.

Just opening an output file and using 'format' to pipe note lists 
including parameters.


   -- Juan

> Here is a simple example of writing a note list to a file using s7 and 
> grace
> (let ((out (open-output-file "/Users/taube/aaaa.scm")))
>    (let ((cycl (make-cycle '(100 200 300 400 500)))
>          (time 0.0))
>      (loop repeat 20
>            do
>            (format out "(frobber :start ~S :freq ~S)~%"
>                    time (next cycl))
>            (set! time (+ time (between .1 .5))))
>    (close-output-port out))
>    )

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